
来源 :国际眼科杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuanpings
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目的:探讨外伤性巩膜层间囊肿的切除及其联合手术方法。方法:回顾性总结17例确诊为外伤性巩膜层间囊肿的诊治情况。17例均有角巩膜裂伤及手术史。其中14例伴有继发性青光眼。手术采用切除巩膜层间囊肿联合异体巩膜移植术,对伴有难治性青光眼者同时行抗青光眼手术治疗。结果:17例中14例囊肿1次治愈,1例术后有脉络膜脱离合并出血,最终眼球萎缩,1例术后1a囊肿复发,1例术后1mo眼压失控,植片隆起,再次手术,随诊期间未见复发。随诊时间:2~30(平均12.3)mo。结论:彻底切除囊肿联合异体巩膜移植术对巩膜层间囊肿的疗效显著,复发率低。对于继发性青光眼者,因其眼前段损伤及粘连严重,多为难治性青光眼,以睫状体光凝或冷冻治疗为宜。 Objective: To investigate the resection of traumatic scleral cyst and its combined operation method. Methods: The diagnosis and treatment of 17 cases diagnosed as traumatic intersfollicular cysts were retrospectively reviewed. 17 cases were scleral laceration and surgery history. 14 cases with secondary glaucoma. Surgical removal of scleral interstitial cyst combined with scleral implantation, with refractory glaucoma were simultaneously anti-glaucoma surgery. Results: Among the 17 cases, 14 cases of cysts were cured in one time. One case had choroidal detachment and hemorrhage after operation. The final atrophy of the eyeball occurred. One case had recurrence of cyst 1a, one case had uncontrolled intraocular pressure 1 month after operation, No recurrence during follow-up. Follow-up time: 2 to 30 (average 12.3) mo. Conclusion: The complete resection of the cyst combined with scleral implantation scleral interstitial cyst has a significant effect, low recurrence rate. For secondary glaucoma, because of its anterior segment of the injury and severe adhesion, mostly refractory glaucoma, ciliary body photocoagulation or cryotherapy is appropriate.
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1 前言本钢5号高炉2001年7月25日至2001年10月31日进行了扩容改造。炉容由原来2000m~3扩至2600m~3,并采用了多项国际先进技术.取得了本钢炼铁史上前所未有的进步。 1 Forew
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
从日常炉况维护要点、日常生产组织注意事项、高炉日常操作管理三个方面阐述了高炉日常生产组织的实践,为小高炉实现产效最大化提供借鉴。 From the point of daily furnace