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本文分析1989~1990年中心登记新发肺结核病205个病例至1991年底的治疗转归情况。此间;中心登记室收到成都、重庆、各地市新发登记病例205个;化疗方案以9月为主,管理以全程为主,总治愈率90.7%,痰菌阴转率95%。1.临床资料:我省纺织系统自1990年开始作肺结核病中心登记工作,至今两年多,先对新发病例的治疗转归作了资料收集。在1990~1991年底新发病例中共纳入统计病例205个。其中;年龄为9~70岁,男性111例、女性94例,Ⅰ型1例、Ⅱ型4例、Ⅲ型181例、Ⅳ型2例、Ⅴ17例,涂阳40例、培阳4例、涂130例,初治181例、复治24例,未查(痰)31例。 This article analyzes the treatment outcome of 205 cases of new TB cases registered between 1989 and 1990 by the end of 1991. In the meantime, the central registration office received 205 newly registered cases from Chengdu and Chongqing cities and cities. The main regimen of chemotherapy was September, with the total management rate of 90.7% and the sputum negative conversion rate of 95%. 1. Clinical data: The province’s textile system since 1990 for the registration of tuberculosis center, so far more than two years, the first treatment of new cases made a data collection. In the new cases from 1990 to 1991, a total of 205 statistical cases were included. Among them, the age ranged from 9 to 70 years. There were 111 males and 94 females, including 1 type in type I, 4 in type II, 181 in type III, 2 in type IV, 17 in smear, 40 in smear positive, Tu 130 cases, initial treatment of 181 cases, retreatment in 24 cases, did not check (sputum) in 31 cases.
西德Falk Foundation每月出版“肝脏病学快速文献评论” (HepatologyRapid Literature Review)一期,Dr.H.Falk 双博士统计该刊1985年共登载各国医学杂志中大约8000篇肝胆疾病
Barrett′s Esophagus(简称BE)是食管下段复层鳞状上皮被单层柱状上皮替代的病理现象。1950年Barrett首先观察到此现象,近年来认识到,BE属于食管粘膜的胃、肠上皮化生性变化
清光绪三十三年(1907年),邑人杨斯盛于浦东六里桥独资创办私立浦东中学。 该校自创建后,始终遵循杨斯盛先生亲订的“勤。朴”校训,校风端正,校纪严明,违者必处。另外还订有《浦东中学学
作者收集本院近5年收治各种经内镜检查的142例青、老年急性上消化道出血的临床资料,进行对比分析,旨在探索两者出血的临床规律。 临床资料 青年组(15~30岁)64例,男女之比4.6:
Based on a three-step kinetic mechanism,a one-dimensional,time dependent,numerical model is presented for the smoldering propagation in a horizontally packed be
丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)是由10 kb核苷酸组成的单股正链RNA病毒,与输血后急、慢性肝炎、肝硬变、肝癌关系密切。丙型肝炎的特异诊断主要依据血清学特异抗体的检测,或进行反转录PC