
来源 :琴童 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:scx
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2013年10月15日,宝宝学琴4年零214天。3年前我带着宝宝步入小提琴世界,3年后由先生慢慢接手,开始独立给宝宝做陪练也一年有余。如今回头看走过的路,每个阶段每迈一步都在纠结中前行,思前顾后谨慎地走着。幸运的是,我们这一路上总是遇上好心人、好老师。看着宝宝一点点划步,去和先生,特别是先生(由之前的玩玩变得无比认真)。心中溢满了喜悦之情。然而这个过程,有喜有忧,有甜有苦,千般滋味在心头潮起潮落。要不是琴童家长,估计真的很难体会这种复杂的心态沉浮。回想起刚学琴那会儿,多么羡慕和迷恋学琴几年的孩子拉出的每个音符啊!现如今,我们也默默地走过了四年半,埋头迈向第5个年头。可现在为什么没 October 15, 2013, the baby learn piano 4 years and 214 days. Three years ago, I took the baby into the violin world, three years later by the gentleman to take over, started independent sparring for the baby also more than a year. Now look back through the road, every step of each step are tangled in the forward, thinking before walking cautiously. Fortunately, we always meet kind people and good teachers along the way. Watching the baby move a little bit, go to Mr. and especially to Mr. (who has been extremely serious with the previous play). Heart overflowing with joy. However, this process, there are likes and dislikes, sweet and bitter, all kinds of taste ebb and flow in my heart. Parents or not piano, it is estimated that really difficult to experience this complex ups and downs of mind. Recalling just learning piano, how envious and enamored piano years of children pull out every note ah! Now, we also walked quietly for four and a half years, buried in the fifth year. Why can not now
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