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玉米进行合理轮作,其好处很多:可以扩大玉米种植面积,达到种地养地的目的。所谓轮作,是指两种以上的作物在同期内按一定次序轮换种植。通过合理轮作有如下几方面的好处:一、能改善土壤的物理、化学性状,通过轮作可以均衡地、全面地利用土壤中的养分和水分。在生产水平较差的地区,长期连续种植一种作物,必将导致土壤营养消耗过量,地力减退。玉米需氮多,豆类、花生需磷需钙多,薯类需钾多。 Reasonable rotation of corn, its many advantages: you can expand the corn acreage to achieve the purpose of raising land. The so-called rotation, refers to two or more crops in the same period according to a certain order rotation planting. Through reasonable rotation has the following advantages: First, to improve the physical and chemical properties of the soil, through the rotation can be balanced and comprehensive use of soil nutrients and water. In areas with poor production levels, long-term continuous planting of a crop will inevitably lead to over-consumption of soil nutrients, fertility decline. More corn nitrogen, beans, peanuts need phosphorus and calcium, potato and more potassium.
IN the south of Shandong Province, Weishan Lake is the largest freshwater lake in northern China. Under the bright blue sky, it gleams like a large mirror. “A
引言 建工—1号砂浆是一种很好的防渗补强材料,在浏河节制闸除险加固中应用效果良好。 浏河节制闸是苏南阳澄地区最大的通江口门,集调水、挡潮、通航等多功能于一体,对阳澄
中小学图书馆是学校的教育教学的支柱之一,是学校信息资源最丰富和集中的地方,怎样发挥中小学图书馆在新课程改革中作用,使同学们处在一个书香校园环境中学习的几点措施。 P
The ruckburst of granite from Kailuan coal mine was reproduced by a new triaxial experimental system.The experimental results show that the rockburst process ca