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萤石的主要成份是 CaF_2,占90%左右,其中含氟(F)48.8%,所以,又称为“氟石”。纯净的萤石无色透明,而混有杂质的萤石常呈紫色、绿色、黄色、淡蓝色及淡玫瑰色,萤石具有玻璃光泽,硬度4,性脆,比重3.0-3.2,溶于硫酸,基本上不溶于水,熔点为1,270—1,350℃萤石属等轴晶系,晶体常呈立方体,其次为八面体。在冶金工业中,萤石主要用作平炉炼钢的熔剂;在化学工业中,它是制取氢氟酸及其它氟化物的重要原料,氟化氢可用来生产毛玻璃和塑料等;无色 Fluorite is the main component of CaF_2, accounting for about 90%, of which fluorine (F) 48.8%, therefore, also known as “fluorite.” Pure fluorite is colorless and transparent, while impurities mixed with fluorite often purple, green, yellow, light blue and light rose, fluorite has a glass luster, hardness 4, brittle, specific gravity 3.0-3.2, soluble in Sulfuric acid, essentially insoluble in water, has a melting point of 1,270-1,350 ° C. Fluorite is an equiaxed crystal system with crystals often cubic followed by octahedrons. In the metallurgical industry, fluorite is mainly used as a flux in open hearth steelmaking; in the chemical industry, it is an important raw material for the production of hydrofluoric acid and other fluorides, and hydrogen fluoride can be used to make frosted glass and plastic; colorless
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临床上一氧化碳(CO)中毒颇常见,但本病尚无特效解毒药物。我们采用环六亚甲基四胺(即乌洛托品)和过氧化氢联合治疗一氧化碳中毒,收到较好的解毒效果,现报道如下。 Clinical
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