Impact of Tourists'Perceived Value on Behavioral Intention for Mega Events:Analysis of Inbound

来源 :Chinese Geographical Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:julykoko
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Based on the survey data for 2120 inbound and domestic tourists at the Shanghai World Expo,a structural equation model was constructed for the relationship among tourists’ perceived value dimensions,behavioral intention and revisit intention.Additionally,the influence of tourists’ perceived value dimensions on the behavioral intention and revisit intention was explored.The results show that the utilitarian value and enjoyment value significantly affect the inbound and domestic tourists’ behavioral intention,while the convenience value and aesthetic value have no significant influence.The service value only significantly affects the domestic tourists’ behavioral intention,and the aesthetic value only significantly affects the inbound tourists’ behavioral intention.The utilitarian value,service value and enjoyment value significantly affect the inbound and domestic tourists’ revisit intention,while the convenience value only significantly affects the domestic tourists’ revisit intention.The utilitarian value is the primary factor affecting the inbound tourists’ behavioral intention and revisit intention,and the perceived price has no significant effect on either inbound or domestic tourists’ behavioral intention or revisit intention.The study explores the relationships between tourists’ perceived value,behavioral intention and revisit intention,analyzes the divergence and causation,theoretically enriches the research field of tourism geography and behavioral geography,and has great practical significance to the sustainable development of mega events in China,including the further development of the Shanghai World Expo. Based on the survey data for 2120 inbound and domestic tourists at the Shanghai World Expo, a structural equation model was constructed for the relationship among tourists ’perceived value dimensions, behavioral intention and revisit intention .Additionally, the influence of tourists’ perceived value dimensions on the behavioral intention and revisit intention was explored. The results show that the utilitarian value and enjoyment value significantly affect the inbound and domestic tourists’ behavioral intention, while the convenience value and aesthetic value have no significant influence. tourists ’behavioral intention, and the aesthetic value only significantly affects the inbound tourists’ behavioral intention. The utilitarian value, service value and enjoyment value significantly affect the inbound and domestic tourists ’revisit intention, while the convenience value only significantly affects the domestic tourists’ revisit intention. The utilitarian value is the primary factor affecting the inbound tourists’ behavioral intention and revisit intention, and the perceived price has no significant effect on either inbound or domestic tourists’ behavioral intention or revisit intention. The study explores the relationships between tourists’ perceived value, behavioral intention and revisit intention, analyzes the divergence and causation, theoretically enriches the research field of tourism geography and behavioral geography, and has great practical significance to the sustainable development of mega events in China, including the further development of the Shanghai World Expo.
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