Coke precursor as an intermediate during the alkylation of isobutene/butene over a solid superacid

来源 :Science in China(Series B) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jydliu
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Alkylation of isobutene/butene was conducted on a Brфnsted-Lewis conjugated solid superacid.It is found that some hydrocarbons accumulated on the catalyst surface.These hydrocarbons,as called coke precursor,played an intermediate role at the initial stage of the al-kylation before they lead the catalyst to lose its activity.The presence of the intermediate is beneficial to the alkylation between isobutene and butene,while increase the TMP content and TMP/DMH ratio in the products. Alkylation of isobutene / butene was conducted on a Brφnsted-Lewis conjugated solid superacid. It is found that some of the hydrocarbons on the catalyst surface. These hydrocarbons, as called coke precursor, played an intermediate role at the initial stage of the al-kylation before they lead the catalyst to lose its activity. The presence of the intermediate is beneficial to the alkylation between isobutene and butene, while increase the TMP content and TMP / DMH ratio in the products.
【中图分类号】G633【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2017)37-0039-01  当今时代要求学校教育不能局限于知识的传授,更重要的是要提高学生的学习能力。而且,思品这门课在小学学习缺乏方法指导,初中虽是中考科目,但又往往不被重视,更谈不上学习方法,所以考试屡战屡败。因此培养学生学会学习这门课程的方法,不仅是课堂教学改革的需要,更是时代的要求,客观的需要。我作为一名思品教师
The oxo-functionalization of hydrocarbons is the most important type of reaction in organic chemical productions. Among various oxidizing reagents, more and mo