
来源 :航空动力学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gxlzx
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The expressions of the governing equations of turbulent flow with contravariant physical velocity components in a general non orthogonal curvilinear coordinate system are derived by means of tensor theory.A numerical method and a computer program for turbulent recirculating flow in the general non orthogonal curvilinear coordinate system are developed.Since the velocity and the displacement vectors are decomposed into their contravariant components,the method has the main advantages of its obviousness in physical meanings,easiness in treatment of boundary conditions and the suitability to the numerical calculations of turbulent flow in various complex geometries.The flow fields in some kinds of complex geometries are calculated. The expressions of the governing equations of turbulent flow with contravariant physical velocity components in a general non orthogonal curvilinear coordinate system are derived by means of tensor theory. A numerical method and a computer program for turbulent recirculating flow in the general non orthogonal curvilinear coordinate system are developed.Since the velocity and the displacement vectors are decomposed into their contravariant components, the method has the major advantages of its obviousness in physical meanings, easiness in treatment of boundary conditions and the suitability to the numerical calculations of turbulent flow in various complex geometries. The flow fields in some kinds of complex geometries are calculated.
摘要:随着环境危机的加剧,公民环境意识和权利意识不断觉醒进而催生了公民环境权。如何实现公民环境权,让公民能够拿起环境权这一法律利器,国家必须在行政管理方面逐渐落实公民环境权,用行政环境权去保障公民环境权,以促使当代中国公民环境权从应有权利转化为实有权利。  关键词:公民环境权行政管理 落实    一、公民环境权    环境权既是一种新兴的正在发展中的重要法律权利也是一种新兴的法学理论。在西方,公民
男女狂想曲  这个世界到处都是我的旧情人  和她们的新恋人  我曾以为除了爱情  没有什么会永垂不朽  直到我发现爱人也如同上帝般子虚乌有  不知男女相聚是为了片刻的欢愉  还是长久的动物般的需要  也许窗外少女裸露的双手  便是上帝对我的诉求  裤衩的阴谋  清晨 当我路过她的家门口  抬头看到太阳下的裤衩在空中飞舞  我误以为那是飘扬的红旗  但我立刻感受到了它的阴谋  红色 它在用烈士的鲜血
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Application of Bayes method to the reliability analysis of mechanical products is considered.The key to the application of Bayes statistics
本文根据我公司多年来转包生产的经验,阐述了转包生产给我国飞机制造业带来的技术收获,充分利用这些技术成果,使之推广到国产飞机的制造中无疑具有十分重大的意义。 Based o