Art and Science

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  Science is a rational analysis and art is the beauty of sensibility. Both are derived from the spark of creativity in the minds of men, and the common pursuit of truth, goodness and beauty. Art to science is like the moon gravity to the tide, the rainbow to the sky, being the power of life and the source of strength. Science to art is like a star to the ship, the sun to the earth, being the survival of the foundation, cradle for life.
  Leonardo da Vinci with up to 40 years to complete a variety of human and animal anatomy, familiar with the internal structure of the human body and external proportions, can draw Mona Lisa of the golden ratio; Einstein because of love Western classical music and Literature and art, has a poet-like imagination, which put forward the theory of relativity. Thus, science and art are inseparable and complementary.
  This month, “Art and Science” in the Special Report will illustrate science in art from 5 aspects including painting, music, dancing, architecture and crafts, making you fully enjoy art and science at the same time.
In the world-famous science fiction Jurassic Park, there is such a sentence to lay the book of the motto: "life, always find their own way out." In this mixed with life sciences and paleontology novel
很高兴有机会和在座的同行讨论文学话题。我想跟大家分享我最近一段时间的阅读体会,谈一谈我心目中的好小说标准。  我想从地铁里听到的一句话说起。前阵子我坐地铁,听到一个男青年对他的女友说,“别那么小气,搞得像林黛玉似的。”“林黛玉”这个名字让我一愣。我并不清楚男青年是否是《红楼梦》爱好者,很可能他没看过《红楼梦》。但是,林黛玉的性格特征他显然是了解的,所以在日常对话中才会脱口而出。这个对话触动了我,它
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