Animal“Family Party”

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  We humans need to set up the family and reproduce, and the animals are no exception. In April and May when the spring comes, animals are not idle, as mammals are busy looking for love, and the birds are busy laying eggs, begining a busy and interesting family life.
  Most animals choose to breed in the spring because the temperature rises, the food is abundant, the hormones in the animal begin to regulate the body and prepare for breeding the next generation. So at this time, the animals are full of effort to start competing for spouses, the formation of the family and feeding the cubs, as if having a happy family party!
  In the special report this month, we will introduce special and interesting stories in this “family party”, such as how animals are courtship, deal with "husband and wife relationship", raising babies, and their strange skills to bring to mankind of bionic inspiration. Of course, we can not forget that there are some animals such as pangolins having been endangered because of human overcrowding, losing the original happy family life. What can we do for them?
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