
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘.眼科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yjsngmmsnjy
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A50-year-old female presentedwith progressive painless vision loss in the left eye and was subsequently diagnosed to have a pituitarymacroadenoma, consistent with a prolactinoma, which was compressing the chiasm primarily on the left and involving the left cavernous sinus. She was treated with oral bromocriptine, resulting in marked shrinkage of the tumor and significant visual field recovery. Subsequently, she again began noting progressive vision loss in both eyes and was initially thought to have pituitary tumor regrowth. Repeat brain MRI, however, showed chiasmal prolapse with inferior tethering into an empty sella. Surgical fat padding to reposition the chiasm resulted in visual improvement with a different visual field pattern in the left eye. The clinical manifestations and etiopathogenesis of the empty sella syndrome are discussed. A50-year-old female presentedwith progressive painless vision loss in the left eye and was subsequently diagnosed to have a pituitarymacroadenoma, consistent with a prolactinoma, which was compressing the chiasm in on the left and involving the left cavernous sinus. She was treated with oral bromocriptine, resulting in marked markedage of the tumor and significant visual field recovery. 又, she again began not not progressive vision loss in both eyes and was initially thought to have pituitary tumor regrowth. Repeat brain MRI, however, showed chiasmal prolapse with inferior tethering into an empty sella. Surgical fat padding to reposition the chiasm resulted in visual improvement with a different visual field pattern in the left eye. The clinical manifestations and etiopathogenesis of the empty sella syndrome are discussed.
1 临床资料 46例患儿中,男34例,女12例;年龄6岁~8岁者11例,9岁~12岁者24例,12岁以上者11例;病程1年以内者34例,1年~2年者8例,2年以上者4例。 2 治疗方法 主穴:取四神聪。配穴:
研究了马来酸酐与环氧氯丙烷交替共聚,及Fe(acac)3Al(iBu)3α,α’联吡啶络合物(acac= 乙酰丙酮) 催化马来酸酐(MA) 和环氧氯丙烷交替共聚的特征,并用红外光谱,核磁共振谱研究了共聚物的结构。动力学
展品范围:1、涂装设备及涂料产品:溶剂性涂料、水性涂料、粉末涂料、汽车 涂料、特种涂料、涂料生产设备及化工涂料;防锈脂及气相防锈 材料、切削液及润滑添加剂。2、材料(如
我们是坐长途汽车进天柱山的,车上有十多个人,但到车停下以后一看,他们大多是山民和茶农,一散落到山岙里连影子也没有了,真正来旅游的只是我们。  开始见到过一个茶庄,等到顺着茶庄背后的山路翻过山,就再也见不到房舍。山外的一切平泛景象突然不见,一时涌动出无数奇丽的山石,山石间掩映着丛丛簇簇的各色林木,一下子就把人的全部感觉收服了。我在想,这种著名的山川实在是造物主使着性子雕镂出来的千古奇迹。为什么到了这