Determinations of Five Kinds of Secondary Metabolites from Different Parts of Piper sarmentosum Roxb

来源 :Medicinal Plant | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong532
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[Objectives] To establish the determination methods for the contents of total flavonoids,total alkaloids,total saponins,total phenolics and total tannins from different parts of P.sarmentosum.[Methods] The content of total flavonoids was measured by the NaNO_2-Al(NO_3)_3-NaOH colorimetry; the content of total alkaloids was measured by the bromocresol green acid dyes colorimetric assay; the content of total spaonins was measured by the vanillin- acetic acid acid dyes colorimetric assay; the content of total phenolics was measured by the FolinCiocalteu assay; the content of total tannins was measured by the phospho molybdenum tungstic acid- casein colorimetry.[Results]The average recovery rate of rutin was 98.11% and RSD was 0. 59%,the contents of total flavonoids from roots,stems and leaves of P.sarmentosum were 0. 25%,0.33% and 1.18% respectively; the average recovery rate of berberine hydrochloride was 99.62% and RSD was 1.52%,the contents of total alkaloids from roots,stems and leaves of P.sarmentosum were 0. 01%,0.03% and 0.19% respectively; the average recovery rate of ginsenoside Re was 99.21% and RSD was 1.06 %,the contents of total saponins in roots,stems and leaves of P.sarmentosum were 4.13%,1.71% and 4.33% respectively; the average recovery of gallic acid was 97.95% and RSD was 0.88 %,the contents of total phenol in roots,stems and leaves of P.sarmentosum were 0.68%,1.08% and 2.42% respectively; the average recovery of gallic acid was 97.92% and RSD was 3.14%,the contents of total tannins in roots,stems and leaves of P.sarmentosum were 0.72%,1.21% and 1.69% respectively.[Conclusions] These five proposed methods are precise,accurate and reproducible,and they are suitable for the determinations of total flavonoids,total alkaloids,total saponins,total phenolics and total tannins in P.sarmentosum. [Objectives] To establish the determination methods for the contents of total flavonoids, total alkaloids, total saponins, total phenolics and total tannins from different parts of P. salivarius. [Methods] The content of total flavonoids was measured by the NaNO 2 -Al ( NO_3) _3-NaOH colorimetry; the content of total alkaloids was measured by the bromocresol green acid dyes colorimetric assay; the content of total spaonins was measured by the vanillin-acetic acid acid dye colorimetric assay; The content of total tannins was measured by the phospho molybdenum tungstic acid- casein colorimetry. [Results] The average recovery rate of rutin was 98.11% and RSD was 0. 59%, the contents of total flavonoids from roots, stems and 25%, 0.33% and 1.18% respectively; the average recovery rate of berberine hydrochloride was 99.62% and RSD was 1.52%, the contents of total alkaloids from roots, stems and leave the average recovery rate of ginsenoside Re was 99.21% and RSD was 1.06%, the contents of total saponins in roots, stems and leaves of P.sarmentosum were 0. 01%, 0.03% and 0.19% respectively; 4.13%, 1.71% and 4.33% respectively; the average recovery of gallic acid was 97.95% and RSD was 0.88%, the contents of total phenol in roots, stems and leaves of P.sarmentosum were 0.68%, 1.08% and 2.42% ; the average recovery of gallic acid was 97.92% and RSD was 3.14%, the contents of total tannins in roots, stems and leaves of P.sarmentosum were 0.72%, 1.21% and 1.69% respectively. [Conclusions] These five proposed methods are precise, accurate and reproducible, and they are suitable for the determinations of total flavonoids, total alkaloids, total saponins, total phenolics and total tannins in P. salivosum.
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