Advantages of Group Work in English Teaching

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  Abstract: This paper discusses the advantages of group work in English teaching. It is argued that group work can be efficient in teaching English. This paper concludes that: 1)group work is one of the greatest education reforms, 2) group work has many advantages in English teaching.
  Key words: advantages; group work;English teaching
  1. Introduction
  With China’s reforms and opening to the outside world, the cultural exchanges at international level have been expanding into every aspect of people’s lives. So, it is necessary for Chinese people to learn and master foreign languages, especially the English language, because English in many ways has been serving as an international communication tool. English learning is of great importance to the nation and to individuals as well. As more and more people begin to learn English, many scholars and educators pay more attention to English language teaching methodology. In recent years, the most widely applied methodology is communicative language teaching. According to communicative language teaching, students are expected to interact with other people, through pair and group work , or in their writings.
  2. The definition of group work
  Group work is one of the most important ways of cooperative learning. Davison (1990) considers that cooperative learning should have seven main points. First, the group is to finish, to discuss and solve problems together. Second, the numbers of group are communicating with each other face to face. Third, every group must have the atmosphere of cooperation. The fourth is the sense of responsibility of individual. The fifth is organizing students into groups. The sixth is to teach students skills of cooperation directly. The seventh is relying on each other with organization (王坦,2002:5).
  Johnson and Holubec (1993) made a definition for cooperative learning in 1993. They said that cooperative learning is one kind of teaching methods. It uses group work to promote sudents’ cooperation, then to achieve the most efficient learning (Jacobs, Power,& Inn, 2005:1).
  3. Advantages
  Group work is frequently used by the English teaching. A study (王坦,2002:103) found that 46% students believe that group work not only promote their communication skills, but also help English learning; 36% of the students believe that it only help students to communicate with others; 18% of the students believe that it has effect or it makes unfavorable effect in keeping classroom order. And group work puts great emphasis on student--centered teaching pattern. It increases association among students in teaching process, because group work improves quality of students’ learning activities. Furthermore, group work improves English classroom atmosphere and develops students’ personality. Thus, group work promotes students’ full--scale development. Compared with traditional teaching, group work makes following advantages in English teaching.   3.1 .Improving students’ communication skills
  Teachers always adopt teacher--centered pattern in traditional teaching. Teachers used to lecture and students used to listen. Except for a few students, others may have no chance to speak in class. But if we use group work in teaching proceed, it will change this situation. Group work provides a lot of chances for students to communicate with one another. The purpose of foreign language learning is to communicate. According to the theory of communication, communication is not only the goal of foreign language learning, but also the essential method of foreign language learning( 林立,王之江,2005).
  3.2. Making advantage for self--regulated learning
  The New English Curriculum Standard reflects the spirit of taking students as the teaching center in every aspect. The characteristic of group work is the heuristic method and it pays more attention to subject. The positive and pleasant atmosphere that group work will help to realize the notion of student--centered language teaching. Cooperative learning believes that the contradiction between students and teaching content is the main contradiction of teaching. That is the contradiction between recognizing subject and recognizing object( 张旭,2006 ).
  3.3.Improving English for most students
  Group work emphasizes that students should form knowledge, find knowledge, transform knowledge and expand knowledge by themselves. The function of teacher is to create every chance for study and good learning environment for students. This learning method is to make their students acquire more knowledge and stronger creative ability. Students pay more attention to sharing responsibilities and helping each other. In this process, more and more students are conscious of their studying. Students of different levels can acquire knowledge through communicating with others. Group work has improved most students’ English learning.
  3.4.Establishing good atmosphere of emotion
  Generally speaking, we always have large--sized classes in China, usually 40 to 50 students in a class. The students have various temperaments and kinds of learning strategies. Some students are introverted. They are afraid to speak in public. In traditional teaching pattern, students easily feel bored when they face the teacher--centered teaching pattern and mechanical classroom activities all the time. But group work provides a relatively secure place for the introverted students. There is a sense of security among companions. Maybe students will gain some help and establish his or her self--confidence from other group members.
  4. Conclusion
  “If group work is not the greatest education reform, then it is one of the greatest education reforms at least” (刘吉林,2004:27 ). To sum up, group work has many advantages in the English teaching. It gives students a lot of chances to show and improve themselves. It improves students communication skills, enhances students’ achievement, and provides chances for self--assessment.
  George M. Jacobs, Michael A. Power, Loh Wan Inn.
  The Teacher’s Sourcebook for Cooperative Learning.
  杨宁, 卢杨译中国轻工业出版社,2005
  刘吉林,王坦“合作学习的基本理念” 人民教育,2004,(1)
  林立,王之江 合作学习在英语教学中的应用 首都师范大学出版社2005
  王坦,合作学习的理念与实施.中国人事出版社, 2002
  张旭,“论合作学习在中学英语教学中的应用” 吕梁教育学院学报,2006,(3)第23卷第一期
摘 要:因为社会教育环境和学校教学条件多方面的限制,导致大部分高中生的英语作文水平都不能达到教学目标的要求。另外在各类考试中,英语作文所占的比重越来越大,大多数学生都会因此失去较多的分数。高中生英语作文成绩不好,最关键的原因在于学生对于英语写作的畏惧心理,不能熟练的用英语表达自己的意思是导致高中生英语作文成绩差的根本原因。教师要改变目前学生被动学习英语的局面,要将理论教学和学生的实际特点相结合,开
一、岳阳大桥的信号质量问题  岳阳市岳阳大桥路桥全长10Km,是衔接岳阳楼区和君山区的重要交通线,车辆交互往来,流量较大。长久以来,岳阳大桥的信号覆盖质量有待改善,常常会有掉话的情况发生,严重影响通信服务品牌。  岳阳大桥跨度很大,且桥面无法铺设漏缆,桥上及附近无法建设基站,周边GSM基站900M频段的信号经过湖面反射等纵横交汇于桥面,彼此相互之间干扰严重,信号质量很差,一直是投诉的热点区域  二
摘 要:词汇学习策略对英语词汇学习举足轻重,并由此影响学生的整体英语水平。本文在分析本校高中生词汇学习策略使用现状的基础上,提出了提高学生词汇学习策略的相应的建议措施。  关键词:高中英语词汇;学习策略;教学启示  词汇是语言的最基本元素。语言技能的发展离不开词汇学习。词汇水平的高低直接影响了其英语能力的强弱。因此,词汇学习在整个语言学习过程中起着重要的作用。随着英语课程改革的推进,高中英语词汇量
摘 要:高职英语教学中要积极引入“学案导学”教学模式,以应对学生基础不牢、学习兴趣不高等问题,切实提高高职英语课堂教学水平。本文在阐述当前高职英语教学现状的基础上,探讨如何运用“学案导学”模式,使学生从更多的自学、自练中培养创造性的学习能力。  关键词:高职英语;学案导学模式;应用  与高校学生来自于高中生不同,高职学校特别是五年制高职专业的很多学生主要来自于初中毕业生,他们学习英语的时间只有短短
【典型案例】  晓鹏是一名中学生。他身上有很多优点,比如脑子聪明,反应敏捷,做事勤快,擅长表演,会拉小提琴,足球也踢得不错等。不过,他的性子很急,做事喜欢“嘁喳卡喳”。  比如早上吃饭,他总是狼吞虎咽,不到三分钟就吃完了;手指头快,在电脑上打字,往往一个字会多打几个字母而打过了;鼠标按得快,一个窗口一点就出来好几个。  有一次,爸妈带他出去旅游,晓鹏高兴得一蹦三尺高。三下五除二吃完饭,他就开始收拾
摘 要: “文化育人”是一个极其重要的教育思想,针对高等教育提出,对整个教育系统有普遍的意义。而大学外语教学作为高等教育的必要组成部分,在文化传播和传承方面占有举足轻重的地位。因此,大学外语教师应提高自身修养,在教学实践中充分通过各种途径实现文化的育人功能。  关键词:文化育人; 外语教学; 实现途径  1. 引言  胡锦涛总书记在庆祝清华大学建校100周年大会上的重要讲话中提出“文化育人”。大学
摘 要:初中英语课堂教学导入的方式有多种,但是无论采用哪种方式导入新课,都要充分考虑到学生的年龄特征和心理特点,并结合所学语言材料的内容、特点,使新课导入既趣味盎然又富有实效。  关键词:初中英语;课堂;导入  一堂课像一场戏,要有引人入胜的序幕;也像一篇文章,要有妙不可言的开头。精美的新课导入,像磁石一样牢牢的吸引学生的注意力,为他们打开课堂学习之门。而笔者认为导入应具备以下特点:  一、导入需
摘要:阅读理解是英语中的重要组成部分,目前在高中的英语阅读教学中存在很多问题,这对学生的主动性发挥方面有很大的影响,这就需要将建构主义教学的思想应用到英语的阅读教学中,这样将会发挥学生的主观能动性促进学生的学习,本文探讨了高中英语阅读理中建构主义教学理论的应用。  关键词:建构主义;阅读理解;应用  1前言  当前,教学目标中对英语阅读的重视程度在不断的提高,这就要求学生不仅需要掌握一些词语或是语
摘要:掌握和运用现代信息技术是新时期教师的基本素养,信息技术与英语课程的有效整合在英语教学中存在明显的优势。英语教师应该积极投入课程改革实践,转变教学观念,克服不良现象,把握好信息技术与课程整合的原则,构建师生互动的高效课堂,促进学生综合素质的发展。  关键词:整合;原则;高效  一、信息技术与英语课程整合的现状分析。  英语是一门外语,更是一门语言。语言教学要求教师在课堂上说文解字,创设情境并组