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2015年3月10日,国家安全监管总局召开2015年职业病危害防治评估培训座谈会,总结2014年职业病危害防治评估工作,分析存在的问题和取得的成效,并讲解2015年职业病危害防治评估程序和具体做法。国家安全监管总局职业健康司副司长张宏波、中国安全生产科学研究院职业危害研究所所长助理、博士张忠彬就评估工作做了解读。职业病防治评估效果张宏波对2014年的评估工作进 On March 10, 2015, the State Administration of Work Safety held a symposium on training of occupational disease prevention and control in 2015 to summarize the assessment of prevention and control of occupational diseases in 2014, analyze existing problems and achievements, and explain the 2015 occupational disease prevention and control assessment procedures and specific methods. Zhang Hongbo, deputy director of the Occupational Health Department of the State Administration of Work Safety, and Zhang Zhongbin, assistant to the director of Occupational Hazards Research Institute of the China Academy of Safety Science and Technology, made an analysis of the assessment work. Effectiveness of occupational disease prevention and control evaluation Zhang Hongbo entered into the assessment work in 2014
In this paper,a two-way relay system which achieves bi-directional communication via a multiple-antenna relay in two time slots is studied.In the multiple acces
文章通过对水泥砼路面施工产生断板调查,分析砼路面断板形成的原因,提出预防断板的措施,为砼路面施工管理提供参考。 Through the investigation on the construction of ce
1例75岁男性患者冠状动脉内支架植入术后规律服用氟伐他汀钠80 mg,1次/d,因血脂水平未达标改服阿托伐他汀钙10 mg,每晚1次。第4天,患者原有失眠加重,彻夜不眠。停用阿托伐他
1例30岁男性患者因与家属争吵后自服沙丁胺醇约300片(2 mg/片)后急诊入院,自述有头晕、头痛、目眩、心悸及口干等。予催吐、导泻、口服药用炭片吸附毒物,纠正电解质紊乱及维
资料来源:FDA Patient Safety News 发布日期:2010.3.5为帮助临床医师评估治疗糖尿病的药品Byetta(艾塞那肽)的获益与风险,FDA要求在药品标签上加上有致肾损伤风险的信息。