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新年伊始,一条热烘烘的新闻在武汉三镇不胫而走,并被新华社发往国内外。《科技日报》元月4日头版头条的赫然大字标题吸引了无数的读者——武汉市第八次党代会出新鲜事:“科技经纪人”写进主报告。事情是这样的:在去年12月22—28日召开的武汉市第八次党代会上,市委书记钱运录代表上届市委向大会作报告,提出90年代武汉要建成我国中部的经济、贸易、金融、交通和科教中心,成为开放型、多功能、现代化的国际性都市。为此,在科技方面,“要发展和完善一批技术中介机构和科技信息咨询评估机构,采用科技开发、招标投标、科技成果代购代销、科技商品拍卖交易等多样化的经营形式,促进科技成果向现实生产力的转化,促进高新技术的商品化、产业化、国际化,努力造就 At the beginning of the new year, a piece of hot news broke through the three towns of Wuhan and was sent to Xinhua News Agency home and abroad. “Science and Technology Daily,” January 4 headline impressively title attracted countless readers - Wuhan Eighth Party Congress out of the new: “technology broker” into the main report. This is the case: At the Eighth Party Congress held in Wuhan on December 22-28 last year, Qian Yunlu, secretary of the CPC Central Committee, made a report to the General Assembly on behalf of the previous municipal party committee and proposed that in the 1990s, Wuhan would build an economy in central China, Trade, finance, transportation and science and education center, become an open, multi-functional, modern international city. To this end, in terms of science and technology, "we must develop and improve a number of technical intermediary agencies and scientific and technological information consultation and assessment agencies and adopt scientific and technological achievements, diversified business forms such as technology development, bidding and tendering, procurement of scientific and technological achievements, auction of scientific and technological commodities, and other scientific and technological achievements Transform into realistic productive forces, promote the commercialization, industrialization and internationalization of high-tech industries and make efforts to create
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