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  Words: 476Suggested time: 8 minutes
   When plastic surgeon Geoff Williams saves a face, he also saves a life. Training with Taiwanese experts on a medical mission in Vietnam, he was astonished by the crowd that greeted them in one village: 200 mothers waiting with their children, all with cleft lips or palates(唇裂和腭裂). The women surrounded him, asking for help, as he entered the local hospital. “It was as if they were in a sinking ship,” Williams recalls, “and we were a lifeboat passing by.”
   The surgeons could operate on only 25 to 30 children during their three-day stay. The rest had to be turned away. “It was devastating,” Williams says quietly. When his plane left Vietnam, he promised to go back.
  Williams never planned to become a volunteer surgeon touring in the world. “I thought I’d help these children for a couple of years and get it out of my system.” But that was five years ago. Williams, 53, now works full-time correcting facial deformities(畸形) in 12 countries, including Mexico, Tanzania, Pakistan, India, the Philippines, and Taiwan. He has performed almost 1,000 operations, most of them since he started his International Children’s Surgical Foundation—and he has no plans to stop.
   His work is literally life-changing. Peruvian-born Danit Olivera, for instance, was diagnosed as an infant with a rare deformity. Danit underwent painful treatment that was ineffective. Depressed by the stares and insults(侮辱), she stopped attending school and holed up at home, convinced, she now says, that she’d never awake from “a nightmare that had lasted my entire life.” Williams told the 19-year-old he could help. Now 20, Danit is thrilled to face the world.
  Williams could be earning more than $1 million a year doing tummy tucks, face-lifts, and breast enlargements in the United States. A friend told him he was “throwing away my career, that I can’t change the world.”
  But he’s never been motivated by money. When he earned $200,000 a year as a professor at a teaching hospital in Galveston, Texas, Williams lived in an apartment that cost $250 a month. He saved most of his paycheck and now lives off his savings. Because he travels most of the time and is single, he stays with his parents in Boise, Idaho, between missions (and insists on paying them $10 a day). “I’m just not a guy who needs a new wardrobe every year,” he explains.
   Williams is multiplying his impact by teaching other doctors the nuances of his skill. “The Vietnamese mothers drilled something into me: that their children really suffer. Their suffering can be alleviated—but not just by me. My real legacy is that I help to empower doctors and they empower other doctors, so this work has mushroomed into something larger than what any one person can do alone.”
  1. Geoff Williams promised to go back when his plane left Vietnam because he _______.
  A. started to like the country
  B. had been welcomed warmly
  C. felt he was badly needed there
  D. expected to save more people’s lives
  2. “His work is literally life-changing” means _____.
  A. his work can save one’s life
  B. his work can change one’s life
  C. he encourages his patients to start a new life
  D. his work is to change people’s life styles
  3. The underlined word alleviate in the last paragraph probably means_____.
  A. make sth. less painful B. clear sth. off
   C. make sth. stronger D. smooth sth. away
  4. It can be inferred from the passage that ______.
  A. many people have started a new life with Williams’ help
  B. Geoff Williams has being correcting facial deformities since he started work
  C. facial deformities can’t influence people’s life
  D. people suffering from facial deformities tend to committ suicide
  5. The passage mainly talks about _____.
  A. the great sufferings resulting from facial deformities
  B. the influence of Doctor Geoff Williams
   C. Doctor Geoff Williams and his International Children’s Surgical Foundation
  D. Doctor Geoff Williams and his hard work
  1. C。 细节题。根据第一段后半部分和第二段开始可以看出当地人非常需要这样的医生。
  2. C。 细节理解题。这句话是第四段的主题句。本段讲述了一个有这种畸形的青年人治疗前后的故事。
  3. A。词义猜测题。由该词前所在句的语境提示可知,是“减轻”痛苦。
  4. B。由第三段的最后可知。
  5. D。主旨大意题。本文中心就是介绍Geoff Williams和他的事迹。
介词是英语中最活跃的词类之一,其搭配能力很强。高考中对介词的考查较为灵活,除了考查各介词的基本用法和意思区别之外,还侧重考查介词与名词、动词、形容词的固定搭配。因此,在日常英语学习中我们必须重视常见介词的用法及辨析,介词与其他词性所构成的一些短语,注意在定语从句中介词的使用情况。  1. Four Chinese models were_______the 14 people awarded pr
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利用导数解决函数极值的有关问题,是导数应用中的重点内容,也是高考和各类考试的热点内容,但许多同学在解决此类问题时常常因为对有关知识理解不透而走入误区.  为了便于理解,我们先把利用导数求可导函数y=f(x)的极值的步骤总结一下.一般来说,利用导数求可导函数y=f(x)的极值的步骤可以分为三步:
研读近几年高考语文试卷中的“文学类文本”试题,不难发现,“作用、好(妙)处”出现的频率相当高。然而,由于出题的角度多变,“作用”的范围较广,这就使不少学生面临“作用题”时,对其“好处”或茫然无知,一筹莫展,或听凭感觉,任意作答。本文主要以2009年高考试题为例,就这类题型的设题角度和答题方法作探讨。     一、细节描写的作用    细节,是构成艺术整体的基本要素,是刻画人物性格、展开故事情节、构
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一、新课改下山东文综政治试题特点    新课改背景下,山东省经过积极的探索,高考试题日趋完善。总的来讲,三年文综政治试题呈现出以下特点。  (一)重视基础,突出主干,综合性强  强调基础性是高考命题改革的正确方向和成功经验,也是新课标高考命题的指导思想和原则要求。在新课标背景下,基础知识的考查不是淡化了,而是加强了。山东省近三年新课标高考政治试题立足于课本基础知识点,突出对主干、核心知识的考查。如
1. amazevt. 使……大为惊奇,使……惊愕。如:  Dave amazed his friends by leaving a well-paid job to travel around the world.戴夫离开了待遇优厚的工作去周游世界,令朋友们非常吃惊。  amazed adj. 感到惊奇/惊讶。常用于be amazed that…, be amazed at, be amazed
纵观历年高考试题,有很多题考查句子结构,我们应通过一些典型题目总结解题思路和方法。“句子结构分析法”是指用语法知识分析题干的句子结构,弄清句子成分,进而找到考点,理解考查内容,帮助选出正确答案。这种方法有助于解答考查非谓语动词、特殊句式以及从句类的一些题目。    一、用“句子结构分析法”解答非谓语动词类试题     典例分析    (一) to do 不定式作目的状语  1. Schools a