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  “寒梅初绽新春至。 ”年序轮回,我们迎来了2014年新春。
  A recent photo of Liu Feng, director of Cultural Dialogue
  An inscription by Liu Feng for Cultural Dialogue
  迎着中华民族伟大复兴的曙光,在新的一年里,我们肩负重任,满怀信心,努力践行使命。我们将继续加强与各方面的联系,积极争取各级领导和有关部门以及各地的更大支持,争取国内外读者朋友的更多支持与合作,为实现“国家富强、民族振兴、人民幸福”的中国梦,进一步推进文化交流与合作,打造期刊品牌而作出新的贡献! □
  Tell Chinese Stories and Promote Cultural Exchanges
  —New Year Message for 2014
  Liu Feng, President of Cultural Dialogue   刘枫书法作品 A calligraphic artwork by Liu Feng
  As the year cycles and plum blossoms poeticize, we welcome the new spring of 2014. On the occasion of saying farewell to the last year and ushering in the new year, I would like to express my grati-tude to leaders of the Cultural Dialogue monthly, people from all walks of life and our readers and wish all of you Happy New Year!
  In 2014, the spirit of the third plenary session of the central com-mittee of the 18th national congress of the Communist Party of China will be fully implemented. The third plenary session calls for promoting innovation in the cultural system, opening culturally wider to the outside world, intensifying cultural exchanges with the world, strengthening the capacity of international communication, perfecting an international dialogue system, paving the way for Chinese culture to be more accepted in the world. The Party’s cen-tral committee understands and promotes cultural development in coordination with economic, political and social development and in accordance with the general blueprint of the socialist cause with Chinese characteristics.
  General Secretary Xi Jinping points out in his speech at the na-tional conference on ideological work that we need to do our best
  to promote international communication, introduce new ideas into our undertakings, improve the international communication system,
  adopt new concepts and explore new fields that can bridge China
  and the rest of the world, well relate the Chinese story in the Chi-nese voice, and enable the world to hear our voice. The CPC Zhe-jiang Committee has put forward new requirements on cultural un-dertakings. Cultural undertakings and exchanges are given a higher priority in the key strategy of the Central Committee, the speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping, and the new requirements put for-ward by the CPC Zhejiang Committee. We take it upon ourselves to understand and answer in stories of 2014 how Cultural Dialogue, a window on cultural exchanges, will best use the window, open wider to the outside world, and contribute more to making Zhejiang
  a greater cultural force and China a greater cultural influence in the
  We will adopt new concrete measures to implement the spirit of the third plenary session and the decision of the CPC Zhejiang Committee. Our work centers on the central development projects and serves the general situation in compliance with the mainstream   刘枫书法作品 A calligraphic artwork by Liu Feng
  ideology and our monthly’s guideline. We will as always adhere to the guideline that we focus on Zhejiang, radiate out to the country, and embrace the world. We will intensify our efforts to better com-municate with the world, innovate our methods, and draw ourselves closer to our readers, and present facts that can enable readers to
  identify themselves with and find echo in their hearts. Facts prove
  that authentic Chinese stories can reach international readers most effectively and can promote exchanges on equal footing. Only au-thentic Chinese stories told in a friendly and natural Chinese voice
  can convince. Meanwhile, our presentation needs to be flexible and
  versatile so as to be most effective. Keeping our mission in mind, we will continue to promote the
  fine Chinese culture and tradition and promote cultural exchanges
  between China and the rest of the world. In 2014, we will continue to print articles on Wuyue Culture in depth, and in particular, we will focus on silk, a key component of Wuyue Culture, given that silk is a key contribution China has made to the world civilization,
  that China has formulated an important strategy of “building a silk road economic belt”, and that Zhejiang is the cradle and power-house of silk culture. A column entitled Silk Culture will explore silk-related history, features, form, people, art and culture, exhibi-tions, research, industry, exchanges, and jointly bid for world herit-age status. Articles on the best and most energetic part of Wuyue Culture are expected to add color to the great cause of the Chinese national rejuvenation.
  We will continue to update our concepts, contents, form, meth-ods and approaches, in a bid to embody the spirit of our time and display in a creative way how culture works as we understand it. We will continue to do stories, some of which will be exclusives, on cultural highlights, art and artists, history, travel, beautiful villages, Zhejiang in the eye of expats, and Zhejiang people in foreign coun-tries. We will look deeper into art: theater, film, television, pho-tography, calligraphy, music, dance, acrobatics and variety shows,
  folk art, literature, poetry. When it comes to find arts, we will also
  explore traditional Chinese painting, oil painting, prints, watercolor, and sculpture. In style, we promote diversity: news dispatch, re-portage, essay and other forms. All this will certainly broaden our contents and enhance readability and acceptability in a newer form. Meanwhile, we will publish series on cultural auditoriums in rural Zhejiang and Chinese morality.   We will strive to be closer to life and our readers by focusing on emerging cultural phenomena and trends, understanding our read-ers’ expectations and priorities, exploring how Chinese culture and foreign cultures come together. The effort to pursue excellence will certainly help add new columns, and highlight the general style, ed-itorial concepts, market positioning and brand of Cultural Dialogue.
  We will add some new touches to the layout of the monthly in addition to keeping the existing characteristics and style. Part of the first two pages inside the cover will be for Highlights, brief intro-ductions to features in the issue. The cover and pages will present an updated look for increased visual effect.
  Bathed in the glowing light of the great renaissance of the Chinese nation, we will carry on our historical mission in confi-dence and do our best to accomplish in 2014. We will continue to strengthen our relationships with all parties concerned, continue to have support from leaders and departments across Zhejiang, and win support and cooperation from our readers at home and abroad. We are determined to help accomplish the Chinese dream of creat-ing a wealthy and strong country, bringing about national rejuvena-tion and contributing to people’s happiness. And we are determined to help promote cultural exchanges and cooperation and make our monthly a fine publication.□
“美摄欣赏”专栏征稿启事  1.来稿题材、风格不限,特别欢迎近年来拍摄的新作。来稿请标明“美摄欣赏投稿”字样;2.请注明作品标题、拍摄地点、  时间、作者姓名、联系方式等;3.来稿请作者自行负责有关权益事宜,本刊将尊重作者的著作权;4.来稿一经选用,即付稿酬;  5.来稿请使用电子文档(J PEG格式,每幅作品大小在5M—10M之间),可通过E-ma i l:qy t66@163.c om,Q Q
真卿、赵孟是三颗耀眼的巨星。  以赵孟为领袖的“吴兴画派”在当时影响广泛,黄公望、张雨、朱德润等一批艺术大师深受赵孟  的影响,湖州名流云集,佳作迭出。如绘画上就有传之千古的钱选《浮玉山居图》、赵孟  《吴兴山水清远图》、王蒙《青卞隐居图》等杰作。  山川图画莲花庄  “莲花庄北长桥东,客来卜居水晶宫。参差楼阁烟尘外,窈窕山川图画中。细雨新帆来舞袖,故家乔木镇春风。请看杜牧题诗处,千古风流一笑同。
“庭院深深深几许,杨柳堆烟,帘幕无重数。 ”从霞湾巷的后门步入富义仓,庭院幽深,杨树如盖,斑驳的石灰泥墙,脚下铺砌的青石地砖,风雨侵蚀后露出瓷片碎瓦,透露出历史的信息。  穿过三进富义仓,行至最深处,便是韵和书院;推门而立,清波荡漾,柳丝摇曳,面前便是悠悠流淌的京杭大运河;抬首望去,乾隆下江南登岸时的御码头依旧雕栏画栋地伫立在那里。  这座曾经的“天下粮仓”,如今传奇般地华丽转身,摇身一变为集书院
每个人都有老的一天,如何才能让老年人有一个幸福的晚年,这个问题,跟我们每个家庭、每个人都息息相关,也是摆在我们面前一个无法回避的社会课题。  浙江省老龄委最新发布的一组数据表明,到2015年浙江全省60岁以上人口将达到991万,占全省户籍人口20%以上。也就是说,走在大街上放眼望去,每5人中至少1人是老年人。  面对汹涌而来的“银发浪潮”,该如何应对?2013年11月15日至18日在杭州举行的第二
2013年12月10日,在瑞典举行的诺贝尔文学奖颁奖典礼上,82岁的门罗因年事已高及身体健康原因,没能从加拿大飞往瑞典,而是让女儿简妮代表她参加了在斯德哥尔摩市政厅举行的颁奖典礼。不过,在12月7日傍晚,门罗就以视频形式完成了题为《爱丽斯 ·门罗:在她自己的文字里》的诺贝尔文学奖主旨演讲。门罗在视频演讲中回顾了自己的文学创作经历,其中有一段对话在她自己的“门罗书店”完成。她谈到自己最美好的时光是在
2013年10月13日,杭州钱江新城杭州市图书馆,一场独特的雕塑展正在进行。观者需通过一段黑暗的盲道,触摸粘贴在墙上的盲文,方才豁然得见:一道沧桑的铁轨、一张银钉突兀的圆桌,一段身躯,静静地等待着,沉沉地呼吸着,默默地诉说着……  它们的作者是中国美院雕塑家李秀勤。它们的身后,隐藏着一段长达20多年的关于寻觅、触摸的故事。它们凝结了9位盲童的成长经历,饱含着一位真挚的艺术家对于尘世生活的关注和悲悯
翻开中国刺绣的编年史,江南民间刺绣,无疑是其中最重要的一页。  清道光年间,寓居无锡的刺绣名家丁佩在《绣谱》里说:“刺绣以针代笔,以绢素为纸,以丝线为朱墨、铅黄。 ”“取材极约、而用甚广”,为“闺阁中之翰墨。 ”  江南民间刺绣的魂就在其精、细和美。精微绣体现了这种极致的精细美。与通常双面绣相比,技术要求更高,难度更大,在用针用线用料用色上更加严谨讲究,尤其在绣刺细部时,须将一根丝线分成七十至八十
知名舞蹈家刘福洋手执湖笔,舞步行云流水,把王羲之书法艺术的璀璨成就与仕途的黯淡落寞平行错位展示,独具风韵。  Liu Fuyang, a top-notch dancer, romanticizes Wang Xizhi as a passionate calligrapher and a failed government official.  2013年12月4日,浙江歌舞剧院用舞蹈的语言首次
岁月如歌,春华秋实;建筑艺术,薪火相传。  浙江省建筑设计研究院的顾问、总建筑师唐葆亨先生,六十余年如一日,身体力行,孜孜以求,积极探索东方“美学建筑”的形与神,精心设计出既汲取世界建筑精华、又坚持中国特色的一个又一个“美学建筑”。  沐浴师泽  国立艺专(中国美院前身)是名师荟萃的艺术圣地。校长先后由林风眠、汪日章、潘天寿、刘开渠等担任。唐葆亨也许是唯一一个正式考入“国立艺专”,并读完全部学制课
2013年12月21日,正值周六,夜晚,杭州寒意已浓,但在青年路大华书场的门口,人头攒动的场面却让人感觉到了盛夏般的火热 —这不,每个周六之夜与大家见面的杭州笑海相声会馆又准时开演了。  让人惊讶的是,对于相声这种听起来颇老派的艺术形式而言,门口排队等候的观众大多是二十多岁的年轻人。在杭州一家会计师事务所工作的小伙子张翼告诉我,他是笑海相声的“铁杆粉丝”,每周都抽空带女朋友来听相声:“闲在家里,不