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本研究运用我们自己设计的调查表对报考西安体育学院的陕西地区考生,西安体院91级新生和88级应届毕业生共1269人实施了问卷调查,以了解他们对体育教师这一职业角色的认知态度,以及他们自己作为未来体育教师的期望值,从而了解这三种学生当体育教师的动机水平。研究的结果表明,考生对体育教师这一职业评价最高,新生次之,毕业生最低,大多数考生认为体育教师在社会中的形象较好,在中学中作用重要,体育教师政治地位适中、经济待遇较差,有少半考生认为人们对体育教师不尊重,绝大多数考生对自己当体育教师的期望值很高,认为当体育教师有前途,自己将来能成为好教师,为体育事业做出较大贡献。考生的动机水平中等偏高,新生对体育教师职业的评价明显低于考生,他们的期望值为中等偏高,动机水平低于考生,属于中等。毕业生对体育教师这一职业评价最低,虽然有一半毕业生认为体育教师作用重要,但大多数毕业生认为体育教师在社会中的形象不好,政治地位低,经济待遇差,工作辛苦但受不到人们的尊重。大多数毕业生认为我国的体育教师大多数不合格,自己可以成为一个好的体育教师,但他们却后悔上了体院,将来如果有机会改行,绝大多数毕业生准备改行。所以,毕业生当体育教师的动机水平很低。 This study uses our own designed questionnaire to survey a total of 1269 freshmen and 88 fresh graduates from Xi’an Institute of Physical Education, Shaanxi Province, who applied to Xi’an Institute of Physical Education to conduct a questionnaire survey to understand their professional roles as physical education teachers Cognitive attitude, and their own expectations as future PE teachers so as to understand the motivation of these three kinds of PE teachers. The results of the research show that the candidates have the highest evaluation of PE teachers, the second is the freshmen and the second are the graduates. Most of the candidates think PE teachers have a better social image, play an important role in middle schools, have a moderate political status and economy Poor treatment, less than half of candidates think that people disrespect for physical education teachers, the vast majority of candidates on their own as physical education teachers have high expectations, that when physical education teachers have a future, they can become good teachers in the future, to make more sports career Great contribution. The level of motivation of candidates is moderately high. The freshmen’s appraisal of physical education teachers’ occupation is obviously lower than that of candidates. Their expectations are medium to high, and their motivation is lower than that of candidates. Although the graduates have the lowest professional evaluation of physical education teachers, most of them think that physical education teachers have poor social image, low political status, poor economic treatment and hard work, though half of them think physical education teachers play an important role Less than people’s respect. Most graduates think most of our physical education teachers are unqualified and can themselves become good physical education teachers. However, they regretted going to Physical Education Institute and in the future, most graduates are ready to change jobs if they have the opportunity to change jobs. Therefore, the motivation of graduates as physical education teachers is very low.
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