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我在语文课教学中,试行了记分制考核方法,有力地调动了学生学习语文的积极性,现将我的作法和体会简述如下: 一、以“双基”为重点,分项记分。 (1)单元测验记100分。每讲一单元测验一次,每次单元测验的分数交学习委员登记,学期结束后,将单元测验的分数由高到低列表张贴公布。 (2)听写记100分。讲新课前我先给学生发一张纸条,让他们在纸条中间写上课题和作者,右上角写上自己的姓名。然后报十个词语,每错一个扣十分,听写过后,让学生互相改,改过后在右下角签上自己的名字,最后将纸条上的分数交学习委员登记,教师可随堂抽查学生的互改情况,发现改错的,双方倒扣20分。试用此项记分 In the Chinese language teaching, I tried out the scoring system assessment method and effectively mobilized the enthusiasm of students in learning Chinese. Now I briefly describe my practices and experiences as follows: I. Focus on “double basis” and score points. (1) 100 points for the unit test. Each unit quizzes once, and each unit quiz score is submitted to the study committee for registration. At the end of the semester, the unit quiz scores are posted on a high-to-low list. (2) 100 points in dictation. Before the new class, I sent a note to the students to write the topic and the author in the middle of the note, and to write their own name in the upper right corner. Then ten words are reported, one for each wrong deduction. After the dictation, the students are asked to change each other. After they are changed, they sign their names in the lower right corner. Finally, the score on the note is sent to the study committee for registration. In the case of mutual change, if mistakes were found, the two sides deducted 20 points. Try this score
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