
来源 :经济社会体制比较 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:revoke
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在厘清当代农民社会的种种特征的基础之上,文章首先批判了桑亚尔认为转型的叙述在印度不再有效的观点。强调必须从转型的眼光来看待印度的资本原始积累、政治权力结构的变化,尤其是政治社会的活动。亦即从前殖民和殖民统治到尚未确立的、真正的现代性。为此,有必要区分公民社会与政治社会。当今印度农民社会的一大特征就是农民处于政治社会之中。而在政治社会里,主要依赖非公司资本运作。虽然选举民主使得福利服务逐渐渗入农民的日常生活,但是,为了确保大量的农村人口能够越来越多地依赖非公司资本生存下来,印度民主的形式必须有所创新。总之,农民社会一定会存在于21世纪的印度。但是,只有通过调整村庄内大量的非农产业的构成才能够实现这一点。 On the basis of clarifying the characteristics of contemporary peasant society, the article first criticizes the view that Sanayard argues that the narrative of transformation is no longer valid in India. Stressed the need to look at the primitive accumulation of capital in India from a transformational perspective, the changes in the structure of political power, and in particular, the activities of political society. That is, from the former colonial and colonial rule to the unconfirmed and genuine modernity. For this reason, it is necessary to distinguish between civil society and political society. One of the hallmarks of today’s Indian peasant society is that peasants are in a political society. In political society, however, it relies mainly on the non-corporate capital operation. Although electoral democracy has gradually introduced welfare services into the daily life of peasants, the form of democracy in India must be innovative in order to ensure that a large rural population can rely more and more on non-corporate capital to survive. In short, peasant society must exist in India in the 21st century. However, this can only be achieved by adjusting the composition of the large number of non-agricultural industries in the village.
在介绍航空导弹作战效能概念的基础上,提出了航空导弹作战效能的计算方法,建立了数学模型,并且依此模型给出了计算实例.结果证明,其计算结果与实际试验结果分析基本一致. On
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