
来源 :理化检验.化学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ljxue1224
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看谱分析虽然属于半定量分析,但在工厂实验室却有重要的实用价值。石油行业,原材料来源复杂、产品种类繁多,而且由于搬迁频繁,在生产过程中不仅原材料容易被搞混乱,就是装配好的产品也经常容易混料。因此,往往有上万件产品需要逐个复查材质。在这种情见下,看谱分析就显出了它的独到之处。看谱分析能无损、快速地确定材质。在实践中我们有一些粗浅的体会,现提出以下两点供同行切磋。 Although spectral analysis is a semi-quantitative analysis, it has important practical value in factory laboratories. In the oil industry, raw materials come in complex origins and a wide variety of products. Due to the frequent relocation, raw materials are easily cluttered in the production process, ie, assembled products are often easily mixed. Therefore, there are often tens of thousands of products need to review the material one by one. In this situation, look at the spectrum analysis shows its uniqueness. Look at the spectrum analysis can be nondestructive, quickly determine the material. In practice, we have some superficial experience. We hereby propose the following two points for peer review.
  报道我国盘长孢属三个新记录种——万年青刺盘孢Colletotrichum montemartinii f.rohdeae、樟盘长孢Gloeosporium cinnamomi、香蕉盘长孢暗色变种Gloeosporium musarum v
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  报道我国盘长孢属两个新记录种和一个大陆新记录——藜盘长孢Gloeosporiurn chenpodii,卫矛盘长孢Gloeosporium euonymi和杜英盘长孢Gloeosporium elaeocarpi,并对三者进
  建立小麦根部常见土传真菌Rhizoctonia cerealis,Bipolaris sorokiniana,Gaeumannomyces graminis var.tritici,Fusarium.pseudograminearum和F.graminearum的多重PCR检
  报道我国盘长孢属三个新记录种——基粗盘长孢Gloeosporium pachybasium、番木瓜盘长孢Gloeosporium papayae、茄盘长孢Gloeosporium solani,并对三者进行了形态学描述和
  报道我国盘长孢属三个新记录种——橡胶树盘长孢Gloeosporium heveae、龟背竹盘长孢Gloeosporium monsterae、悬钩子盘长孢Gloeosporium rubi,并对三者进行了形态学描述