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三孔布币是战国布币中极为特殊的币种,因其布首和两足各有一个圆孔,而得名。 三孔布币一面铸有地名,一面铸有记载重量的文字。它是最早以重量“朱两”(朱后为铢)为单位的货币,因而在中国钱币史上占有一定的地位。同时引起我国考古工作者、钱币研究者和集币收藏家十分关注,许多人研究考证它的文字、记重及出处,还写了许多文章,也有一些争论。争论中尤以铸行国分歧较多,一说是秦国占领布币流通区后所铸,一说是中山国的货币。 持前一种说法比较意明。 而后一种说法意为:三孔布币背文分别刻有“十二朱”、“一两” Three-hole cloth currency Warring States cloth currency in a very special currency, because of the cloth first and two feet each have a hole, and got its name. Three-hole cloth coins cast a name on one side, cast a record of the weight of the text. It is the earliest by the weight of “Zhu Liang” (Zhu Zhu after the baht) as the unit of currency, which in the history of Chinese coins occupy a certain position. At the same time, people in our country are very concerned about archeologists, coin researchers and coin collectors. Many people study and research its writing, bearing weight and source, and write a lot of articles. There are also some controversies. In the debate, there are many differences between the countries that cast the cast, one is that the Qin State occupied the distribution area after the cloth currency was cast, and one is the currency of the State of Zhongshan. The former argument is more obvious. Then a saying means: three holes Cloth coins were engraved with “twelve Zhu”, “one or two”
目的:探讨炎性细胞因子(C反应蛋白、白细胞介素6、白细胞介素10、核因子κB和E选择素)与腹部或盆腔恶性肿瘤患者术后发生急性下肢深静脉血栓(deep vein thrombosis,DVT)之间
The purpose of this study was to evaluate perinatal outcome after thoracoamnio tic shunting for fetal pleural effusions with hydrops. This was a retrospective s
2002年第23期《中国电视报》中《南北越南各不同 不能乱使人民币》一文说:“河内是越南的首都,也是这次行程的第一站。在导游的陪同下我们参观了许多名胜:胡志明墓、总统府
20 0 2年 9月 2 9日 ,在德国北部城市不来梅 (Bremen)举行了一年一度的钱币、邮票、明信片、磁卡交易会。不来梅是一座古老的汉萨同盟城市 ,由不来梅和不来梅港组成。两个相距仅 50
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