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一、序论朝鲜的性理学因其缜密的理论和踏实的实践而名誉中外,但是,其具体内容中除了“四端七情论”以外几乎没有被介绍过。特别是18世纪到19世纪在湖学和洛学两派人物之间展开的“湖洛辩论”(亦称“人物性同异辩论”)在其讨论范围、缜密度、实践意义等方面堪称东亚性理学史上一颗异彩夺目的明珠,但至今未受到重视。这实在是令人十分焦虑的事。笔者想在本文中介绍一下湖洛辩论的主要论题之一——知觉论。但考虑到本次论文发表会的性质,对与知觉论有关的湖洛辩论的实际过程不进行详细介绍和品味,光讨论一下湖洛辩论中与儒教的道德实践理解相关的知觉论的一些问题点及其意义。 First, Preface North Korea’s philosophical science has a reputation both at home and abroad for its rigorous theory and practical pragmatism, but its specific content has hardly been described except for the “four emotions.” Especially in the debate between the two schools of Huguang and Luo in the 18th and 19th centuries, “Debate on the Holocaust” (also known as Etc. is a dazzling pearl in the history of East Asian neo-Confucianism, but so far it has not been taken seriously. This is really very anxious thing. I would like to introduce in this article one of the main topics of the debate in Hulu - perception. However, taking into account the nature of the presentations of this essay, the actual process of the debate on the theory of Heluo is not described in detail and taste, and some light on the theory of perception related to the Confucian moral practice in the debate Point and its meaning.
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