
来源 :农药市场信息 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lenchoguo
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据广东省薇甘菊调查统计数据显示,目前薇甘菊已广泛分布珠三角和粤西、粤东等沿海地区,疫情呈点多面广局面。全省共有19个地级以上市(区)有薇甘菊分布,分布面积46万多亩,发生面积30多万亩,发生面积虽较去年有所下降,但分布范围进一步扩大,防治形势不容乐观。 According to the survey data of Mikania micrantha in Guangdong Province, Mikania micrantha has been widely distributed in the coastal areas of the Pearl River Delta, western Guangdong and eastern Guangdong. The epidemic presents a somewhat multi-faceted situation. There are 19 prefecture-level cities (districts) with Mikania micrantha distribution with a distribution area of ​​more than 460,000 mu and an area of ​​more than 300,000 mu. Although the area of ​​the area has declined from last year, its scope of distribution has been further expanded and the situation of prevention and treatment is not optimistic.
在德国举办的2011年国际塑料加工展览会(Fakuma2011)上,巴斯夫公司展示了3种可优化碰撞性能的尼龙6系列新材料,它们是Ultramid B3ZG7CR(35%玻纤)、B3ZG3CR(15%玻纤)和B3ZG10C
故障现象一辆2009款宝马MINI R56车,用遥控器将车门闭锁后,电动车窗会自动开启(车窗玻璃自动下降),且车门会自动解锁。故障诊断与排除按下遥控器闭锁键后故障出现时,车门中控
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在伊朗,麦扁盾蝽Eurygaster integriceps是小麦和大麦上的主要害虫。新烟碱类杀虫剂是一类具有较强活性的杀虫剂,对刺吸式口器害虫具有良好的效果。本研究应用触杀和熏蒸两种