Bring back a peaceful and beautiful nature

来源 :校园英语·中旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lu123127
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  【Abstract】Earth. From the simplest body of life, to the emergence of mammals and birds, after billions of years of perseverance "practice", the earth breeds all things, the vitality of the boundless world. The earth is often compared to the mother, because she gave birth to all the vitality, like a mother to pay silently, but never ask for repayment. The earth is the cradle of mankind, depend on her natural conditions richly endowed by nature, with all inclusive mind, has given human resources to human basic necessities of life, to live here for generations
  【Key words】environmental protection relationship
  With a bright sky, blue oceans, wide green forests and abundant resources, how happy we were to be living in perfect harmony with our beautiful mother—nature. However, in recent years, constant nature disasters occurred, causing great financial and environmental losses. In face of them, everyone can’t help asking“What was it that caused disasters to happen?”
  With the development of economy, people started to ask for clothes, food and sheltering of higher quality. In order to meet their needs, some people did what they could at the cost of destroying nature. As a result, more and more trees are cut down. Many endangered animals are killed. Worse still, the environment pollution is getting more and more serious. It’s a pity that fresh air is gone, and we haven’t seen the bright blue sky for a long time. So angry was Mother Nature that she punished humans badly.
  History has repeatedly told us that every victory for nature will inevitably lead to revenge in nature. The earth was destroyed from man-made disasters, causing numerous natural disasters, floods, droughts, haze, dust, greenhouse effect, food safety and so on, has become the most talked about topic, the water flooding into the dry desert, verdant forests became bald lali.
  There is no denying that humans’ irresponsible behaviors play an important part in natural disasters’ occurring. We are the chief criminal that should be accused. Let’s remember the terrible events in history: In the tsunami in northeast Asia, more than 2000 people got drowned in the sea. In the earthquake in Wenchuan, about 80000 people lost their lives, and survivors became homeless. In the typhoon in Taiwan, most trees were pulled down and many people got injured.
  Obviously, we can’t emphasize the importance of protecting nature too much. As a citizen, everybody has the duty to protect nature.   First of all, we should save natural resources. After all, natural resources are limited, and we have to think more for our next generation. Next, we need to take good care of animals. Animals are more than creatures in nature. They are also our friends. Thanks to them, we got more happiness from them. Furthermore, we must protect nature by punishing destructive activities. Only in this way can we have the chance to prevent disasters’ occrrence.
  As a developing country and a populous country, China should make its own contribution to the ecological construction and environmental protection all over the world. Facing the prominent contradiction between economic development and environmental resources, in view of the situation of our country, China cannot leave foreign industrial countries polluting before the old governance is difficult to implement in developed countries to solve the problem of the current high investment mode, can only choose to save resources, moderate consumption, from the simple pursuit of economic growth to ensure the survival and sustainable development the road, in the International Convention and the existing legal protection, strengthen the government and citizen awareness of environmental ethics, the survival of the earth and the earth as a real mother to treat her, protect her, protect the environment not only as a slogan, but to put into action, the environment and resources in national consciousness, for us he also, for the benefit of future generations.
  Nature is what we humans rely on. In order to bring back the peaceful and beautiful nature, we are supposed to spare no effort to make it.
【摘要】本文通过对单招学生英语写作中常见的错误分析引出:采用任务型教学法能够让学生在学中做、做中学,从而引导自己发现错误、纠正错误,从而提高写作能力。  【关键词】任务型教学法 单招学生 纠错 写作能力  对口单招班的培养目标是为了发展高等教育,让职校生也能圆大学梦,国家专门从高校招生计划中划拨一部分给职业学校,每年四月底进行单独招生考试。入学后和普通中学的学生一起就读,毕业后的文凭、待遇相同。 
【摘要】阅读教学是高中英语教学的重要组成部分,也是培养学生英语学科素养的最佳途径。本文以人教版高中英语教材必修一第四单元的阅读课文A Night The Earth Didn’t Sleep为例,探讨教师如何深入解读新闻类文本,同时设计相应的阅读活动,引导学生从浅层阅读转向深层阅读,培养学生的核心素养。  【关键词】文本解读 新闻文本 核心素养  一、引言  随着新一轮课程改革的不断深入,英语学科
【摘要】随着中国国际化进程的加速,中国面对更进一步走出国门、走向世界的需要,对新一代学生提出了高水平的英语能力要求。在社会背景下,英语逐渐成为越来越重要的一门学科,教育部门分析社会需要与学生素质水平,提出了针对高中英语教学的目标教学法,教师应思考并研究有效措施,改变教学模式,以目标教育法开展教学,帮助学生更好地学习英语,促使学生英语能力更上一层楼。  【关键词】高中英语 目标教学法 探究策略  英
【摘要】一直以来,大学英语被视为工具型学科。教师与学生高度重视英语本身语法、词汇、句型等知识点,很少有人关注英语的人文性,教师也缺乏利用英语教学培养学生人文素养的意识。本文重点探讨我国大学英语教学中学生人文素养培养现状,并提出相应的人文素养培养对策。  【关键词】大学英语教学 人文素养培养 调查研究  一、大学生人文素质缺失的现状  1.“知识”与“能力”脱节。随着政治一体化、经济全球化时代的到来
【Abstract】Many difficulties exist in the process of translation. As an important component of English learning, translation requires translators to master the comprehensive proficiency of both languag
【摘要】近年来,随着国家间文化交流不断增强,许多高质量的外国影片涌入中国市场。语言的不同使得影片文本需要有一个转换,文化的差异则对字幕翻译提出了更高的要求。如何使字幕翻译做到与时俱进、入乡随俗,促成良好的观影效果是创作团队在打入国际市场时必须要考虑的问题。本文即以《功夫熊猫》系列电影为例,探讨在跨文化因素的影响下,电影字幕的翻译如何能够更好地到达受众,引起共鸣。  【关键词】电影字幕翻译 跨文化传
【Abstract】Venuti is generally considered a prominent translation theorist, with his special translation approach-domesticating and foreignizing. However, this paper will discuss criticisms on his theo
【摘要】随着国家“一带一路”发展战略的提出,国内高校在外语人才培养上也面临新的机遇与挑战。分析我国目前面向“一带一路”发展战略外语人才培养存在的问题,有助于创新地思考 “一带一路”战略下外语人才的培养体系和探究国内复合型外语人才发展的新路径。  【关键词】“一带一路” 外语人才 培养创新  引言  2013年,习近平主席首次提出“丝绸之路经济带”的战略思想,同年10月,习主席又提出 “21世纪海上