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《中共中央国务院关于进一步加强和改进未成年人思想道德建设的若干意见》发出后,全国少工委向全国少先队大、中队辅导员发出:“做少年儿童人生追求的引领者”、“做少年儿童实践体验的组织者”、“做少年儿童健康成长的服务者”、“做少年儿童良好成长氛围的营造者”、“做少年儿童权益的维护者”的倡议。这一倡议的发出,一方面明确了辅导员在加强未成年人思想道德建设中的责任和任务;另一方面,也提出了对辅导员的专业定位、专业价值与素质要求的重新思考。为更有效地贯彻落实辅导员在加强和改进未成年人思想道德建设中的作用,更好地学习、宣传全国少工委倡议书的内容,更准确地理解辅导员的专业价值,本刊从本期开始,围绕辅导员如何正确理解“五者”、履行“五者”职责这一内容,开展专题讨论。欢迎广大辅导员少先队工作者结合自己的工作实际,就自己对“五者”(或“五者”中的某一方面)的认识、自己在贯彻落实《若干意见》过程中的感受或体会谈谈你们的看法。有关全国少工委倡议书的内容可查阅2004年《辅导员》杂志第5期第10页;来信地址是:北京前门东大街10号楼辅导员杂志社“理论篇栏目”收(100051);电子信箱地址是:fdyliujie@263.net After the CPC Central Committee and the State Council issued a number of opinions on further strengthening and improving the ideological and moral construction of minors, the National Youth Work Committee issued to the National Young Pioneers large and medium squadron counselors: “To be the leader in pursuing the pursuit of children’s life,” “to be a juvenile Organizers of children’s practical experience, ”“ serving as a service for the healthy growth of children and adolescents, ”“ creating a good atmosphere for children and adolescents, ”and“ advocating rights and interests of children and young children. ” The issue of this initiative not only clarifies the responsibilities and tasks of counselors in strengthening the ideological and moral building of minors, but also puts forward rethinking of the professional orientation, professional value and quality requirements of counselors. In order to more effectively implement the role of counselors in strengthening and improving the ideological and moral construction of minors, to better study and publicize the contents of the National Working Committee and to understand the professional values ​​of counselors more accurately, Beginning of this issue, focusing on counselors how to correctly understand the “five” and fulfill the “five” responsibilities of this content, to carry out thematic discussions. Welcome Young Pioneers Instructors Based on their own practical work, Young Pioneers workers make their own opinions on the “Five” (or “one of the Five”) and their feelings or experiences during the implementation of “Some Opinions” Talk about your opinion The contents of the National Youth Work Committee Proposal can be found in 2004 “Counselor” magazine No. 5, Page 10; letter address is: Beijing Qianmen East Avenue 10 counselors magazine “theory” column received (100051); E-mail address is: fdyliujie@263.net
本文主要介绍我国文化主题公园发展的现状,并针对现状提出关于主题公园景观设计的一些建议,希望可以对园林景观的发展起到一丝积极作用。 This paper mainly introduces the
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由北京市商业企业管理协会和北京尔安集团公司联合主办的商业企业集团问题研讨会,于8月22日至24日在北京举行。研讨会对以下几个问题进行了初步探讨: (一) 商业企业集团产生