3D Printing Hip Prostheses Offer Accurate Reconstruction,Stable Fixation,and Functional Recovery for

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Complicated and large acetabular bone defects present the main challenges and difficulty in the revision of total hip arthroplasty(THA).This study aimed to explore the advantages of three-dimensional(3D)printing technology in the reconstruction of such acetabular bone defects.We retrospectively analyzed the prognosis of four severe bone defects around the acetabulum in three patients who were treated using 3D printing technology.Reconstruction of bone defect by conventional methods was difficult in these patients.In this endeavor,we used radiographic methods,related computer software such as Materialise's interactive medical image control system and Siemens NX software,and actual surgical experience to estimate defect volume,prosthesis stability,and installation accuracy,respectively.Moreover,a Harris hip score was obtained to evaluate limb function.It was found that bone defects could be adequately reconstructed using a 3D printing prosthesis,and its stability was reliable.The Harris hip score indicated a very good functional recovery in all three patients.In conclusion,3D printing technol-ogy had a good therapeutic effect on both complex and large bone defects in the revision of THA.It was able to achieve good curative effects in patients with large bone defects.
介绍了10万t/a 70 m3聚合釜PVC聚合装置的生产情况.对产品的产量、质量、消耗、安全、环保等方面进行了总结,分析了某些改进措施和今后运行的注意事项,力求使之达到国内同类
Of all the units of physical science,one second is perhaps the most mysterious.Unlike a meter,we cannot see it.Unlike a kilogram,we cannot hold it in our hands.
对12万t/a电石法VCM乙炔发生装置进行改造,包括发生器、电石渣浆溢流、控制系统改造等以及增加乙炔回收装置.改造完成后,操作人员劳动强度大幅下降、生产1t PVC电石单耗下降8
1979年9月里一个深夜,赵丹家里的电话铃声突然响起。上海市有关部门通知他:他从前的朋友唐纳先生回来了!根据有关部门的安排,赵丹和夫人黄宗英得以在次日前往上海东湖宾馆探望唐纳。但是有关部门又根据唐纳的叮嘱,对赵丹特别的关照说,最好不要把唐纳先生来上海的消息,转告给其他人,以防引起不必要的麻烦。那天夜里,赵丹高兴得难以成眠。  次日上午,当赵丹和夫人黄宗英在上海东湖宾馆一间恬静套间里,见到阔别多年的
据《中华预防医学杂志》1894年28卷第3期报道 北京医科大学劳动卫生教研室吴利平等,对河南两家工厂三硝基甲苯(TNT)作业现场进行了劳动卫生学调查。 结果表明,车间空气中TNT
In the past few decades,additive manufacturing(AM)has been developed and applied as a cost-effective and versatile technique for the fabrication of geometricall