
来源 :中国农村卫生事业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rilinx_2009
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目的:通过对常州市武进区遥观社区2013年公共卫生服务情况进行调查分析诊断,了解社区存在的公共卫生问题及影响因素。方法:采用现有资料收集和专项调查的方式收集社区健康相关资料。结果:常州市武进区遥观社区常住人口115 951万,户籍人口44 552万,外来人口71 426万,户籍人口占社区总人口的38.40%,截止2013年底该社区健康档案建立38 516份,建档率为86.55%;其中老年人建档6 571份,建档率为98.32%。高血压病人6 104例,糖尿病1 384例;恶性肿瘤560例,重型精神疾病患者278人,管理260人。2013年该社区户籍人口的主要死因为恶性肿瘤112例、脑血管病71例、呼吸系统疾病48例。2013年社区传染病报告240例,发病率为207.08/10万,发病居前3位的传染病是手足口病、肺结核、水痘。结论:1高血压、糖尿病、脑血管疾病、恶性肿瘤是社区重点干预的慢性非传染性疾病;2传染病管理重点(尤其是流动人口)为手足口病、肺结核、水痘、梅毒、肝炎;3社区卫生服务中心应完善公共卫生服务功能,增加社区公共卫生医师和全科医生的配置。 Objective: To investigate and analyze the 2013 public health services in Yaoguan community in Wujin District, Changzhou, and to understand the public health problems and influencing factors in the community. Methods: The use of existing data collection and special surveys to collect information on community health. Results: The resident population of Yaoguan Community in Wujin District of Changzhou City was 1,119.15 million, the household registration population was 452,250,000, the population of migrants was 714.26 million, and the registered population accounted for 38.40% of the total population of the community. By the end of 2013, 38,516 copies of the community health records were established. The rate was 86.55%; among them, 6 571 were documented by the elderly, and the rate was 98.32%. There were 6 104 cases of hypertensive patients, 1 384 cases of diabetes, 560 cases of malignant tumors, 278 cases of severe mental illnesses, and 260 management. In 2013, the main cause of death in this community was 112 malignancies, 71 cerebrovascular diseases, and 48 respiratory diseases. In 2013, 240 cases of infectious diseases were reported in the community, and the incidence rate was 207.08 per 100 thousand. The top three infectious diseases were hand, foot and mouth disease, tuberculosis and chickenpox. Conclusions: 1 Hypertension, diabetes mellitus, cerebrovascular disease, and malignant tumors are chronic non-communicable diseases that the community mainly intervenes; 2 The focus of infectious disease management (especially the floating population) is hand-foot-mouth disease, tuberculosis, chickenpox, syphilis, and hepatitis; 3 Community health service centers should improve the function of public health services and increase the allocation of community public health doctors and general practitioners.
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