西游記④ 大战红孩儿

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1.赶走了悟空,唐僧一行来到了黑松林。谁料,来了个黄袍怪抓走了唐僧,把八戒打得抱头鼠窜。幸好宝象国的公主偷偷放走唐僧,请他送信给国王派兵来救她。2.黄袍怪却变作一个俊俏的年轻人,来到王宫,施法把唐僧变成一只老虎。3.八戒去花果山请回了大师兄。悟空打得黄袍怪无法抵挡,拼命逃窜。4.唐僧明白自己错怪了悟空,师徒重归于好。这天,他们来到一座山前,忽听有人呼叫:“救命!”5.唐僧心中不忍,四处寻找。悟空却怕遇上妖怪,牵着白龙马急急赶路。 1. Got away from Goku, the monk came to the black pine forest. Who expected, came a monster took the monk monk, Baotu playing Baotoushuchaan. Fortunately, the princess Bao Xiang elephants secretly let go monk, asked him to send letters to the king to send troops to save her. 2. Yellow robe strange but turned into a handsome young man, came to the palace, cast the monk into a tiger. 3. Bajie to Huaguoshan please return the big brother. Goku played yellow robe can not resist, desperate to escape. 4. Tang Seng understand their own strange Wukong, mentoring returned to good. This day, they came to a mountain, suddenly heard someone call: “Help! ” 5 Tang monk could not bear, looking around. Wukong afraid of meeting the monster, holding White Horse hurried hurry.
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