
来源 :中华少年 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yinlefeng1988
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篮球运动是一项非常有意义的体育运动,深受广大高中学生的喜爱。但是学生篮球技术差异较大,男女生先天的力量存在明显差异。在课堂教学中,教师的一般要求对基础差的学生来讲显得高不可攀,教学进度不能顺利推进。另外,篮球教学方法针对性不强,基础差的学生跟不上,篮球基础好的学生常常觉得没有挑战性,运动兴趣难以激发,因此教学效果较难实现。现在,我们尝试打破常规教学理念,在篮球教学中,合理运用教学比赛,让学生根据自己的实际情况自定比赛规则,寓教于乐,教师巡回辅导,充分发挥学生的学习主动性。学生运动参与性高涨,先前那些较大难度的技术、战术教学对他们的限制得以排除,自信心得到较大提升,教学效果事半功倍。 Basketball is a very meaningful sport, loved by the majority of high school students. However, there is a big difference between student basketball techniques and there are obvious differences in innate strength between boys and girls. In the classroom teaching, the general requirements of teachers in the poor foundation of the students seem unattainable, the teaching progress can not be smooth progress. In addition, the basketball teaching method is not targeted, the basis of poor students can not keep up, good basketball-based students often feel challenging, difficult to stimulate sports interest, so teaching more difficult to achieve. Now, we try to break the conventional teaching concept. In basketball teaching, we should make rational use of the teaching competition so that students can customize the rules of competition according to their actual situation, entertain, teachers and counselors to give full play to their learning initiative. Participation in student sports soaring, the previous technology of those more difficult, tactical teaching to exclude them from the restrictions on self-confidence have been greatly improved, teaching more with less effort.
氨基糖苷类抗生素是临床上常用的一类抗生素,由于泛用,其耐药性问题随之凸现。氨基糖苷类药物的耐药机制比较复杂,其中最常见的是由于细菌产生氨基糖苷类修饰酶介导 Aminogl
中国土壤学会于1962年6月25日—7月1日在南京召开了学术会议。这次会议的主要目的是进行专题讨论与对土壤科学发展规划提供意见。 与会代表共54人,全国各地绝大多数的著名土
我厂气焊工作流动性很大,过去搬运氧气瓶时是两个人抬,既不安全,又不方便。针对这个薄弱环节,气焊工人就自己制做了一种轻巧省力的手推车(如图)。它的优点是: Gas welding