
来源 :第二军医大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tanscuc2
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目的预测肿瘤相关蛋白EIF4G1亚型的B细胞表位。方法下载EIF4G1蛋白各种亚型的氨基酸序列,以单参数(亲水性、可及性、柔韧性、抗原性)预测为基础,结合ABCpred和二级结构预测筛选等方法综合筛选EIF4G1蛋白质亚型特异性的B细胞表位。结果目前已知EIF4G1蛋白的亚型有5种,亚型间的氨基酸变化局限在一个由300个氨基酸形成的序列区域,亚型特异性的B细胞表位可能位于该区域的14~19、21~27、52~61、106~112、113~139、183~189、201~216和217~224位氨基酸残基区域内或附近。结论 EIF4G1蛋白质亚型间存在特异性B细胞表位,这些表位对应用合成肽抗原检测蛋白质亚型和进行肿瘤患者的早期诊断具有重要指导意义。 Objective To predict the B cell epitopes of the tumor associated protein EIF4G1 subtype. Methods The amino acid sequences of various subtypes of EIF4G1 protein were downloaded. Based on the prediction of single parameter (hydrophilicity, accessibility, flexibility and antigenicity), the EIF4G1 protein subtype was screened by ABCpred and secondary structure prediction screening Specific B cell epitopes. Results There are five known subtypes of EIF4G1 protein. The variation of amino acids between subtypes is limited to a sequence of 300 amino acids. The subtype-specific B cell epitopes may be located in the region of 14-19, 21 ~ 27,52 ~ 61,106 ~ 112,113 ~ 139,183 ~ 189,201 ~ 216 and 217 ~ 224 amino acid residues within or near the region. Conclusion There are specific B cell epitopes between EIF4G1 protein subtypes. These epitopes have important guiding significance for the detection of protein subtypes using synthetic peptide antigens and early diagnosis of tumor patients.
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