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语言是思想的外衣,好的数学思想需要恰当的语言来表达。良好的数学语言能够促进学生的数学思维发展。在课堂教学中要注意培养学生用数学语言来表达的能力。低年级的学生语言表达能力较弱,如何能把所学的数学问题准确表达出来是一个难点。我从以下几个方面进行了探索:一、在数学情境中训练数学语言低年级的学生爱听故事,我充分利用北师版教材的情境教学方式,创设他们感兴趣的学习情境,让他们畅所欲言。每节课的导入,我用几句话引入情境,并与学生互动,如:“可爱的校园”中,请他们说一说哪些动物来上学了?他们都有几个?“猜数游戏”中,共有6块糖,分别放到两只手内,猜猜每 Language is the cloak of ideas, and good mathematical ideas need the proper language to express. Good mathematical language can promote students’ mathematical thinking development. In classroom teaching should pay attention to develop students ability to use mathematical language to express. The ability of lower grades students to express their language is weak. How to accurately express what they have learned is a difficult point. I have explored the following aspects: I. Training students in the lower grades of mathematics in mathematics situations To love listening to stories, I made full use of the situational teaching methods of the teaching materials of the Beijing Normal University to create interesting learning situations for them to speak their mind freely . In each lesson, I use a few words to introduce the situation and interact with the students, such as: “Lovely campus”, ask them to say which animals came to school? How many of them? Number of games ", a total of six sugar, were placed in two hands, guess each
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