Progress of breakout prediction technique for slab casters at Baosteel

来源 :Baosteel Technical Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pingguotailang
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Breakout prediction is one of the important techniques of continuous casting.The software and hardware of the breakout prediction system have been upgraded and revamped time after time since slab casters were put into operation at Baosteel,and its performance and technical indexes have been improved remarkably.This paper reviews the development of the breakout prediction technique of the No.1 Steelmaking Plant at Baosteel.The newly developed BBPS~Ⅱis introduced,and the mould mapping system of the No.4 slab caster is described.The breakout prediction technique is playing an important role in increasing production capability,improving slab quality and decreasing breakout events. Breakout prediction is one of the important techniques of continuous casting. The software and hardware of the breakout prediction system have been upgraded and revamped time after time since slab casters were put into operation at Baosteel, and its performance and technical indexes have been improved remarkably. This paper reviews the development of the breakout prediction technique of the No. 1 Steelmaking Plant at Baosteel. Newly developed BBPS ~ IIis introduced, and the mapping system of the No. 4 slab caster is described. Breakout prediction technique is playing an important role in increasing production capability, improving slab quality and decreasing breakout events.
我科1993~1996年共收治了8例脊髓血管畸形(AVM),现报告如下。资料 本组男性6例,女性2例,年龄28~59岁,平均389岁。病程2周至16年,平均为56年。临床表现:脊髓性跛行2例,双下肢麻木