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1840年鸦片战争的隆隆炮声,不仅轰开了中国古老封建的闭关自守的大门,同时也惊醒了沉睡千年的中国人。先进的中国人决心从他们的侵略者的武库中寻找使国家富强的武器,于是便开始了一个“向西方学习”的运动。随着西方文化思想的传入中国,西方资产阶级经济学也开始在中国的大地上传播。1920年,英国古典政治经济学家亚当·斯密的经济学名著《国民财富的性质和原因的研究》(简称《国富论》)的第一个中译本《原富》问世了,译者便是中国旧民主主义革命时期向西方寻求救国救民真理的代表人物之一的严复。严复译书有其特点,即常常联系书中的内容写译者按语。他翻译《国富论》也是如此。在《原富》一书中写下了三百余条、共约六万余字的按语。这些按语以及《原富》的《译事例言》反映了严复对斯密经济学理论的理解,同时也集中地反映了严复在如何使灾难深 The rumbling of the Opium War in 1840 not only opened the door to China's ancient feudal autarky but also awakened the Chinese who slept for a thousand years. The advanced Chinese are determined to find the weapons that make the country prosperous and strong from the arsenals of their invaders, and they begin a movement to “learn from the West.” With the introduction of Western cultural ideas into China, Western bourgeois economics began to spread on the land of China. In 1920, the first Chinese translation of the original Chinese version of “The Study of the Nature and Causes of National Wealth” (“The Wealth of Nations”) was published by Adam Smith, the classic political economist in Britain. It is Yan Fu, one of the representatives of the West who sought to save the nation and save the country during the old democratic revolution in China. Yan Fu translation has its own characteristics, that is often linked to the content of the book written by the translator. He translated “Wealth of Nations” as well. In the book, “Fu Fu”, he wrote more than 300 articles, with a total of about 60,000 words. These proverbs, as well as the “examples of translations” of the “Former Fu”, reflect Yan Fu's understanding of Smith's economic theory and also concentrate on how Yen Fu made the disaster deep
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同志们: 我到甘肃省是学习来了,特别是开这么两个大会,一个是表彰总结大会,一个是咱们的年会,我们的任务就是来学习,不光我一个,还有两位同志。来了以后,几位局长老要让我们
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