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本文研究了定向凝固镍基高温合金DZ-3、DZ-9、DZ-17GWHf、Dz-4的不同取向(轴向)对其高温杨氏模量和剪切模量的影响。研究结果表明,在20—900℃温度区间定向凝固镍基高温合金具有明显的弹性各向异性。弹性模量E、G与定向凝固轴间夹角关系:E_(45)>E_(30)>E_(90)>E_(15)>E_0及G_(45)>G_(30)>G_(90)>G_(15)>G_0。最后,对这一变化规律进行了分析。 In this paper, the effects of different orientations (axial directions) of DZ-3, DZ-9, DZ-17GWHf and Dz-4 on the Young’s modulus and shear modulus at high temperature of the directionally solidified Ni-based superalloy were investigated. The results show that the directionally solidified nickel-based superalloy at 20-900 ℃ has obvious elastic anisotropy. E45> E30> E90> E15> E_0 and G45> G30> G_90, and the relationship between the elastic modulus E, G and the direction of the solidification axis is: )> G_ (15)> G_0. Finally, this change rule is analyzed.
本文用X射线衍射及差热分析方法测定了Gd-Ni二元系合金相图。 在这个二元系中,观察到如下9个金属间化合物:Gd_3Ni(735℃包晶分解),Gd_3Ni_2。(690℃包晶分解),GdNi(1280℃同
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索书号:E52.552 S797f 本书由Tsuneshichi Tanaka等人编著,伦敦Elserier Applied Science出版社1987年出版,全书共255页。统计方法在研究材料科学和技术的各个领域中已经使
我wǒ国ɡuó是shì一yí个ɡe多duō民mín族zú的de国ɡuó家jiā,一yí共ɡònɡ有yǒu( )个ɡè民mín族zú,其qí中zhōnɡ人rén口kǒu最zuì多duō的de是shì( )族zú。在zài这zhè个ɡe大dà家jiā庭tínɡ里li有yǒu许xǔ多duō节jié日rì,你nǐ能nénɡ把bǎ它tā们men的de名mínɡ称chēnɡ和hé习xí俗sú用yònɡ线xià
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本文根据气体分子运动论,按照统计规律,采用三种严格的数学推导(未借助于分子与器壁的碰撞),都证得理想气体内部压强公式为P=2/2(?)。 In this paper, according to the the
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