
来源 :中国医院管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:beehxf
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蚌埠铁路中心医院位于上海铁路局辖区北端,在经济、文化及信息交流方面都较落后,但是我们注重了科技开发与管理,每年开展分局级科研三、四项,“三新”项目30余项,其中包括荣获铁道部科技成果二等奖的“细菌L型863系列培养基的研制”和荣获卫生部科技进步成果乙等奖的“国产结核菌素纯蛋白衍化物与国内外常用结核菌素皮试的对照观察”(为协作单位),具有国内领先水平的“L型败血症系列研究”、“糖皮质激素治疗病窦”,以及有广泛实用性的“人工晶体移植”、 The Handan Railway Central Hospital is located at the northern end of the Shanghai Railway Bureau area and lags behind in terms of economy, culture, and information exchange. However, we focus on scientific and technological development and management. We carry out three or four research projects at the sub-bureau level each year, and more than 30 “three new” projects. , Including the “Bacterial L-863 Series Culture Media Development” Awarded by the Ministry of Railways for the Second Prize for Scientific and Technological Achievements and the “Bacterial Sustained Protein Tube Derived from Domestic and Foreign Commonly Used Tuberculin ”Control observation of skin test“ (for collaborative units), with the leading domestic ”L-type sepsis series of studies“, ”glucocorticoid treatment of sick sinus“, and a wide range of practical ”intraocular lens transplantation",
There’s nothing worse than looking forward to a serving of Nutella on warm toast for breakfast—only to find that someone has cleaned out the jar.But German in
目的 研究石斛小菇 (MycenadendrobiiFanetGuo)的化学成分。方法 利用柱色谱法 ,从石斛小菇中分离出 9个化合物 ,并根据理化性质和光谱技术 ,对其中的 7个化合物进行了结构
目的 观察局部心肌顿抑对全身血液动力学及心肌氧供需平衡的影响。方法 杂种犬33条 ,常温下冠状动脉左前降支根部阻断 15min ,观察再灌注后全身血液动力学、冠脉流量及缺血
通过实验 ,观察两广地区民间习用的苦丁茶对大鼠离体组织的抗氧化作用 .用 TBA法和分光光度法测定脂质过氧化产物丙二醛 (MDA)的含量 ,以确定样品对脂质过氧化的抑制作用 .实
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