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中部地区在中国区域经济发展中占有重要位置。近年,随着东部沿海地区现代化建设步伐的加快和国家西部大开发战略的实施,中部地区经济发展相对滞后,出现了“中部塌陷”现象。为此根据国内外有关区域经济发展的理论和实践,运用大量统计数据,对中部工业化所处阶段进行了客观判断和定位,分析研究了中部走新型工业化道路所具有的基础和环境,提出了中部地区走新型工业化道路的基本思路积极发挥中部地区承东启西、连接南北、维系四方的区位和资源、市场优势乘势而上,加快发展,强化改革开放意识、市场竞争意识、联合协作意识、可持续发展意识,努力实现由注重地区比较优势到积极创造竞争优势的突破,实现由跟进式发展战略到跨越式发展战略的突破,实现由传统工业化道路到新型工业化道路的突破,在推进中部崛起的过程中促进全国全面建设小康社会目标的实现和区域经济的协调发展。 The central region occupies an important position in the development of China’s regional economy. In recent years, with the acceleration of the pace of modernization in the eastern coastal areas and the implementation of the strategy of developing the western part of the country, the economic development in the central region lags behind and a phenomenon of “collapse in the middle part of the country” has emerged. Based on the theories and practices of regional economic development both at home and abroad, a large number of statistical data are used to objectively judge and locate the stage of industrialization in central China. The basis and environment for taking a new type of industrialization in central China are analyzed and studied. Central China The basic idea of ​​taking a new road to industrialization in the region To give full play to the location and resources of the Central Region from the east to the west and the north and south to maintain the four cornerstones, market advantages  Take advantage of the momentum to accelerate development, enhance awareness of reform and opening up, awareness of market competition, Sustainable development, strive to realize the breakthrough from focusing on regional comparative advantages to actively creating competitive advantages, realizing a breakthrough from a follow-up development strategy to a leapfrog development strategy and a breakthrough from the traditional industrialized road to a new-type industrialized road, The realization of the goal of building a moderately prosperous society across the country and the coordinated development of regional economy in the process of its rise.
方竹,自由撰稿人,舒芜女儿。  1996年1月  晚上聊天,爸爸说:  “过去呀,一个丈夫在外奔波几年,回来后对妻子说:  ‘你一人在家太寂寞了,有没有出去玩?’  妻子说:‘不,不,我闭门不出。’  丈夫说:‘那太好了,就是苦了你了。’妻子说:‘不苦,我在家做诗自娱。’  丈夫说:‘那就更好了,快让我看看。’  妻子就拿出做诗的本子,丈夫翻开,第一首就是:《月夜招邻僧闲话》。”  我和爸爸哈哈大
张皓宸和他的故事集《我与世界只差一个你》  对于1990年生人的张皓宸,主流文学界是陌生的。但在2015年的出版市场,他的确是最具号召力的90后作家之一。  一个故事是他的故事集《我与世界只差一个你》,7天预售超过5.7万册,获得当当网、亚马逊、京东和天猫四大图书榜单的冠军。  高销量和火爆的粉丝,不止是张皓宸独享。几乎同时间出现的90后畅销作家,还有北大的苑子文、苑子豪兄弟,从澳大利亚留学归来的