A Brief Introduction of Three Linguistics Books in the Ancient China from the Synchronic Point of Vi

来源 :校园英语·中旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hanqianghuoer
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  【Abstract】This essay, from synchronic point of view, is to introduce three important books that play a vital role in the history Chinese linguistics, which also makes a major contribution to the development of Chinese linguistics in the ancient time so that people could executive a clear understanding about parts of Chinese linguistics in the ancient time.
  【Key words】Chinese linguistics; book; synchronic
  1. Introduction
  Research findings of modern linguistics show that India, Greek and China are the footstone and cradle of linguistics from the perspective of philosophy. For Chinese linguistics, people may mainly analyze the language research in Han Dynasty. In the first place, Han Dynasty is the base and flourished period of Chinese linguistics. In the second place, from Han Dynasty to Qing Dynasty, the category such as lexicology and phonetics is similar during this period. More important, the three influential books about Chinese linguistics, Interpretation of Nouns, Dialect, and Shuo Wen Jie Zhi are all written in Han Dynasty.
  A synchronic study of language is about study at some point in time, it studies that language exists in time. Therefore, a study of the three books in Han Dynasty would be a synchronic study.
  2. Body
  These three influential works including Shuo Wen Jie Zhi, Dialect, and Interpretation of Nouns are all published in the Han Dynasty and act an important role for Chinese linguistic history.
  Firstly, Interpretation of Nouns written by Liu Xi plays a huge part in promoting the establishment of Chinese etymology so that it enjoys a renowned position in Chinese linguistic history. It is written by Liu Xi, whose courtesy name is Chengguo, a linguist in eastern Han Dynasty. His purpose of writing is to find out the origin of words clearly, no matter the words are elegant or popular. He uses the sound training technique (phonetic exegetics) to peruse the source of words. with the regard to its influence and contribution, this book has reference value about the source of words (etymology) and difference between the ancient sound and the ancient meaning.
  Secondly, Dialect is the first book in Chinese history specialized in dialect. Yang Xiong is a linguist, litterateur and philosopher, which has a little stutter and slow of speech, but is famous for his articles. On the part of linguistics, he initiates the style of Er Ya and creates uniquely and individually Dialect so that it opens up a new linguistic discipline-dialectology. Therefore, the complicated dialect research is studied by Yang Xiong comprehensively and systematically.Dialect is the first book in Chinese history specialized in dialects;and it creates dialectology as an independent discipline.   Lastly, In 100 AD, Xu Shen wrote the first book on interpretation of Chinese characters, and Shuo Wen Jie Zi is also one of the earliest dictionaries in the world. In this book, 9353 Chinese characters are collected by Xu Shen and can be classified into 540 categories. Based on radicals, he abstracts on the basis of their structures. Xu Shen(58 AD-149AD) whose courtesy name is Shuchong is a scholar in Han Dynasty and devotes himself to developing Chinese traditional culture. Consisting of 15 volumes, Shuo Wen Jie Zi takes Small Seal script as its object and create Chinese radicals from “一” to “亥”. Shuo Wen Jie Zi categories 540 radicals from thousands of words, which pioneers a new method of combination of Chinese character by using radicals. Modern Chinese character is based on this system.
  3. Conclusion
  Shuo Wen Jie Zhi, Dialect, and Interpretation of Nouns are the most influential masterpiece in the field of linguistics in ancient China. The Han Dynasty marks a pioneer era in China’s language studies, and has great influence on Chinese linguistics of later times. Interpretation of Nouns exhibits for us the Chinese etymology;Dialect opens up the new field of Chinese dialectology and Shuo Wen Jie Zhi plays an important part in the interpretation of Chinese characters. All these language studies developed can prove that China is one of the linguistic foundation countries in the world and it will flourish in the future with a profound language culture.
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一、学情分析  此教学设计面向小学三年级学生。他们喜欢直观丰富的学习活动,喜欢边玩边学的学习模式,能较清晰地表达自己的观点,也具备初步的自主、合作和探究学习能力,即能通过角色扮演、小组竞赛、任务协作等合作学习策略进行学习。  他们经过半年多的英语学习,对26个字母在单词中的基本发音有较好的理解,能够拼读拼写一些简单的单音节词或双音节词。熟悉b,c,d,f,g,h,j,k,l,m,n,p等在单词中作
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