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把目标市场定位于国内高端市场及国际市场的江淮帅铃Ⅲ高端轻卡,与前三代江淮轻卡最大的区别就是驾驶室的变化。帅铃川驾驶室新颖大气的造型,充分演绎了中华龙的图腾,整体风格采用了世界流行的“硬、动、洁”的设计理念:直立的A柱和宽大的前风挡,大大扩展了驾乘人员的乘坐空间和视野;新型座椅及新材料的应用,则极大地提高乘坐的舒适性;带预紧可调功能安全带的运用,为驾乘人员提供了更好的安全保护 The target market is located in the domestic high-end market and the international market JAC handsome bell Ⅲ high-end light truck, and the previous three generations of Jianghuai light truck biggest difference is the cab changes. Shuai Lingchuan cab innovative atmosphere of the shape, full interpretation of the Chinese dragon totem, the overall style of the world’s popular “hard, moving, clean ” design concept: upright A pillar and large front windshield, greatly expanded the driving Take the staff to take the space and vision; new seat and new material applications, which greatly improve ride comfort; with pre-adjustable adjustable seat belts for occupants to provide better security
目的:探讨建立新生儿败血症的分子生物学诊断方法。方法:分析16S rRNA核苷酸序列,设计引物及探针,选取临床常见菌株进行PCR扩增及检测;对疑为败血症的317例新生患儿分别行PCR
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A novel coordination polymer, [Co3 (bta)2(dib)2]·4H2O (1, H3bta=benzene-1,3,5-triacetic acid, and dib=1,4-di(1H-imidazol-1-yl)benzene), has been hydrothermally
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Objective:To determine the effectiveness and safety of Xinfeng Capsules(新风胶囊,XFC) for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis(RA) patients with decreased pulm