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先天性膜部间膈瘤是一种少见的先天性心脏畸形。常无特异的临床表现,易误诊。现将我院诊治一例报告如下:患者,男,14岁。自幼发现心脏杂音,平时易感冒,以先心病室间隔缺损收入院。查体:血压140/90,P_2正常,胸骨左缘第Ⅱ、Ⅲ肋间可闻收缩期杂音Ⅱ~Ⅲ级/6,伴细震颤,其余体 Congenital diaphragm between the diaphragm is a rare congenital heart disease. Often no specific clinical manifestations, easy to misdiagnosis. A case of diagnosis and treatment of our hospital are as follows: Patients, male, 14 years old. Heart murmur was found since childhood, usually easy to catch cold, to premature ventricular septal defect income hospital. Physical examination: blood pressure 140/90, P_2 normal, left sternal Ⅱ, Ⅲ intercostal systolic murmur Ⅱ ~ Ⅲ / 6, with fine tremor, the rest of the body
Fluid flow, heat transfer and solidification of steel in the mold are so complex but crucial, determining the surface quality of the continuous casting slab. In
LBBB(Left bundle branch system block)系指完全性左束支传导阻滞,多发生在器质性心脏病,临床病理意义较大,LBBB可以为暂时性的,也可以为永久性的。其发生率在心室内传导阻
本文对30例冠心病患者和30例正常人平板运动试验中的 R 波振幅改变与 ST 标准作了对比分析。统计分析表明,R 波振幅改变的敏感性和特异性均低于 ST 标准;阳性和阴性预检值与
The Ti6Al4V alloy castings were produced by the investment casting process, and the hot isostatic pressing(HIP) was used to remove shrinkage from castings. The
15.血液动力学监测在急性心肌梗塞中的临床意义? 应用漂浮导管进行急性心肌梗塞(AMI)的血液动力学监测,归纳起来可有以下三个方面的临床意义: (1)评价急性心肌梗塞患者左心
Austenite grain size is an important influence factor for ductility of steel at high temperatures during continuous casting. Thermodynamic and kinetics calculat