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我们自1984年12月试用硝苯吡啶治疗高血压病以来,取得了较好效果。共观察治疗339例,对硝苯吡啶的用药方法、剂量及其对心、脑、肾功能和血脂、血糖的影响进行了探讨。现报告如下。一、一般资料 339例均为住院病人,其中9例为慢性肾小球肾炎高血压型(简称肾性高血压),13例合并冠心病、心绞痛。男196例,女143例。年龄51~83岁。高血压病Ⅰ期21例,Ⅱ期236例,Ⅲ期73例。诊断及分期按1979年郑州会议标准。使用台式血压表,并经计量所定期校正。病人入院前至少3天未用任何降压药物,门诊、病房间隔10分钟以上各测量一次病 We have achieved good results since we tried nifedipine to treat hypertension in December 1984. The observation and treatment of 339 cases of nifedipine medication, the dose and its impact on heart, brain, kidney function and blood lipids, blood glucose were explored. The report is as follows. First, the general information 339 cases were hospitalized patients, of which 9 cases of chronic glomerulonephritis (referred to as renal hypertension), 13 cases of coronary heart disease, angina pectoris. There were 196 males and 143 females. Age 51 ~ 83 years old. Hypertension stage Ⅰ 21 cases, 236 cases of stage Ⅱ, 73 cases of stage Ⅲ. Diagnosis and staging by Zhengzhou Conference in 1979 standards. Use a table-top pressure meter and calibrate it regularly. Patient at least 3 days before admission without any antihypertensive drugs, outpatient, ward every 10 minutes or more measured once each disease
In this work, a cellular automaton model has been developed to simulate the microstructure evolution of U-Nb alloy during the solidification process. The prefer
本文对在检测玩具材料迁移液时对离子色谱法的应用进行了分析和介绍,本文选择4.0 mmol/L NaHCO3+12.8 mmol/L NaCO3作为淋洗液,在距离530nm的位置采用紫外可见检测器对其进行检
目的:采用高效液相色谱法对奥利司他胶囊中的有关物质进行测定。方法色谱柱为ZORBAX RX-C18柱(250 mm×4.6 mm,5μm),流动相为乙腈:水=84:16的混合溶液,流速为1.5 mL ? min-1,检测波长
In this present work, a multi-phase field model was used to simulate the eutectoid transformation process, and on the basis of the nucleation model that was pre
Fluid flow, heat transfer and solidification of steel in the mold are so complex but crucial, determining the surface quality of the continuous casting slab. In
LBBB(Left bundle branch system block)系指完全性左束支传导阻滞,多发生在器质性心脏病,临床病理意义较大,LBBB可以为暂时性的,也可以为永久性的。其发生率在心室内传导阻