
来源 :中华卫生杀虫药械 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jimmil
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目的掌握蚊蝇对常用卫生杀虫剂的抗药性并评估抗性风险,为制定北戴河部队休疗区科学防治策略、提高防治效率提供参考。方法分别使用成蚊接触法和家蝇药膜法测定诊断剂量下淡色库蚊或家蝇野外种群对杀虫剂的抗药性;依据抗性结果调整防治用药,变单纯使用拟除虫菊酯为换用、混用其他类型杀虫剂,增加昆虫生长调节剂烯虫酯处理孳生地等;使用媒介生物密度监测国家标准方法调查蚊蝇密度,比较防治措施调整前后密度下降率为指标,评价防治效果。应用家蝇不敏感乙酰胆碱酯酶法(Ach E)和等位基因特异性PCR(AS-PCR)法分别确定当地淡色库蚊和家蝇野外种群中不敏感胆碱酯酶个体所占比例和kdr基因突变发生频率。结果淡色库蚊和家蝇种群对拟除虫菊酯普遍产生抗药性,对有机磷和氨基甲酸酯类杀虫剂敏感。调整防治措施后,蚊蝇防治效果得到明显提升。两个监督单位蝇类密度下降率分别为86.4%和84.9%,蚊类密度下降率也达到84.0%和80.9%,防治效果均达到部队卫生害虫综合防控技术规范要求。当地淡色库蚊和家蝇种群对有机磷和氨基甲酸酯类杀虫剂抗性水平较低,Ach E不敏感个体不足10%;但对拟除虫菊酯抗性水平较高,kdr突变发生率(R%)分别为84%和91%,杂合子RS%达到44.8%和43.9%。结论对卫生害虫抗药性调查和风险评估,有助于合理选择防治用药,达到有效治理目的,实现可持续控制。 Objective To understand the resistance of mosquitoes and flies to commonly used insecticides and evaluate the risk of resistance, and to provide a reference for formulating the scientific prevention and control strategies of Beidaihe force rest area and improving the control efficiency. Methods Resistant to insecticides in the field population of Culex pipiens pallens or Musca domestica were determined by adult mosquito contact method and housefly contact membrane method, respectively. Based on the resistance results, the control drug was used instead of pyrethroids , Mixed with other types of insecticides, increase the insect growth regulator methoprene treatment breeding places; use of vector biological density monitoring of national standard methods to survey mosquitoes density, compared with the prevention and control measures before and after the density reduction rate as an indicator to evaluate the control effect. Ach E and AS-PCR methods were used to determine the proportion of kappa-labile insensitive individuals in the field populations of Culex. Gene mutation frequency. Results Culex pipiens pallens and housefly populations were generally resistant to pyrethroids and sensitive to organophosphate and carbamate insecticides. After adjusting control measures, the control effect of mosquitoes and flies has been significantly improved. The flies densities of the two supervised units were 86.4% and 84.9% respectively, and the densities of mosquitoes were also reduced by 84.0% and 80.9% respectively. The prevention and control effects all met the technical requirements of the integrated pest prevention and control of the armed forces. The population of Culex pipiens pallens and Musca domestica had low resistance to organophosphorus and carbamate insecticides, and the Ach E-insensitive individuals were less than 10%. However, the high level of pyrethroid resistance, the incidence of kdr mutation ( R%) were 84% and 91%, respectively. RS% of heterozygotes reached 44.8% and 43.9% respectively. Conclusion The investigation and risk assessment of the resistance of pests to health can help to choose the appropriate drug for prevention and treatment, achieve the purpose of effective governance and achieve sustainable control.
马年,岁次壬午;21世纪的第一个马年。 (一)人才与马 这里的马不只是为人类代步、代劳、参与征战的马,而是自然物人化了的马,充实着文化积淀的马,给人才学以丰富启示的马。 1
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