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1994年6月22日,新闻出版署印发《关于加强书刊产品印制质量管理的意见》,要求结合各地实际,认真加强管理工作。《关于加强书刊产品印制质量管理的意见》全文如下: 为了加强对书刊产品印制质量的监督管理,认真贯彻实施《中华人民共和国产品质量法》和我署颁布的《图书质量管理规定(试行)》和《书刊印刷产品质量监督管理暂行办法》,促使书刊印刷业从数量增长型向质量效益型转变,促进社会主义物质文明和精神文明建设,提高书刊产品印制质量水平,现就加强书刊产品印制质量管理提出如下意见,请结合各地情况贯彻执行。 On June 22, 1994, the Press and Publication Administration issued the Opinions on Strengthening the Printing Quality Management of Books and Printed Products, demanding that the management be conscientiously strengthened in light of the actual conditions in various places. The full text of Opinions on Strengthening the Printing Quality Management of Books and Products is as follows: In order to strengthen the supervision and management of the printing quality of books and periodicals, the People’s Republic of China’s Product Quality Law and the Book Quality Management Regulations ) “And” Interim Measures for the Quality Supervision and Management of Books and Printed Products "to promote the printing and printing industry from quantity to quality and efficiency, promote the construction of socialist material civilization and spiritual civilization, and improve the quality of books and printing products, is to strengthen the books and periodicals Product print quality management made the following comments, please with the implementation of the situation around.
本文介绍了二滩机组发电机定子引线及跨接线铜管弯管机的工作原理。设计计算和基本结构。 This paper introduces the working principle of Ertan unit generator stator l
Howiinol A, an active antitumor constituent from the root and stem bark of Goniothamus howii Meer. (Annoaceae ) has been synthesized in nine steps from α - Dgl
博大雄浑、质朴刚强的子午岭 ,以大山特有的气质雄踞陇东黄土高原 ,从先辈开边到今人育林 ,这里到处都昂扬着一贯千古的奋斗精神。在这里 ,五千多名林业建设者数十年如一日 ,