Deep-seated structure and metallogenic dynamics of the Ailaoshan polymetallic mineralization concent

来源 :Science in China(Series D:Earth Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:choster
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The Ailaoshan poly-metallic mineralization concentrated area (MCA) consists of the well known Ailaoshan metallogenic belt and adjacent mineral districts and/or deposits. Located in an area of several complex and intersecting tectonic units, the Ailaoshan poly-metallic MCA is controlled by deep crustal and mantle tectonism. Through interpretation of remote sensing images, we identified a large ring structure system that surrounds the MCA. This ring structure encloses regional deep-crustal faults, ductile shear zones, geothermal anomalies, magmatic rocks, and the major mineral deposits, all of which are the reflections of deep tectonic geodynamics that have been long active in this area. Geophysical data indicate that the crust is comprised of relatively stable two or three layers, with some irregular lower-velocity belts. The Moho in the ring sutures occurs as an area of local uplift. There exists an obvious transitional zone between the crust and mantle boundaries. Asthenopheric mantle shows multi-layer upwelling, which indicates multiple events during different geological epochs. It is believed that these mantle events or pulses were responsible for the formation of the regional shear zones, magmatic rocks, and polymetallic orebodies. Furthermore, an integrated metallogenic dynamics model related to the asthenopheric upwelling pulses in the MCA is established, defining events as old as Late Paleozoic. The Ailaoshan poly-metallic mineralized concentrated area (MCA) consists of the well known Ailaoshan metallogenic belt and adjacent mineral districts and / or deposits. Located in an area of ​​several complex and intersecting tectonic units, the Ailaoshan poly-metallic MCA is controlled by deep crustal and mantle tectonism. Through interpretation of remote sensing images, we identified a large ring structure system that surrounds the MCA. This ring structure encloses regional deep-crustal faults, ductile shear zones, geothermal anomalies, magmatic rocks, and the major mineral deposits, all of which are the reflections of deep tectonic geodynamics that have been long active in this area. Geophysical data indicate that the crust is comprised of relatively stable two or three layers, with some irregular lower-velocity belts. The Moho in the ring sutures occurs as an area of ​​local uplift. There exists an obvious transitional zone between the crust and mantle boundaries. Asthenopheric mantle shows multi-layer upwelling, which indicates multiple events during different geological epochs. It is believed that these mantle events or pulses were responsible for the formation of the regional shear zones, magmatic rocks, and polymetallic orebodies. to the asthenopheric upwelling pulses in the MCA is established, defining events as old as Late Paleozoic.
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摘 要:本文从多个角度分析了高职国际金融专业实践性教学的现状和问题,并提出相应的建议,为满足国际金融行业对于技能型人才的需求,也为突出高职教育的特色提供指导和参考。  关键词:高职;国际金融;实践性教学  我国高等职业教育的培养目标是培养具有良好职业素质和职业技能的高技术应用型人才。高职院校改革的关键是加强教学的实践性、改变和创新专业实践教学模式、设计科学有效的实践教学模式。2012年初,教育部在
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