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浙农大校长、前省农科院院长丁振麟同志因患癌症,医治无效,于1979年6月23日21时逝世,我们感到万分悲痛。丁振麟同志追悼会于7月4日在杭州举行,党和国家领导人叶剑英、方毅、周建人等送了花圈,省委、省革委会负责人,省级机关各部门负责人、生前好友以及浙农大、省农科院师生员工和科技人员五百余人参加了追悼会。会后遵照丁振麟同志生前遗愿,将他的骨灰撒在浙江农业大学和浙江省农业科学院。丁老出身贫苦,勤奋工作和学习,坚持党 We feel extremely sad that Comrade Ding Zhenlin, president of Zhejiang Agricultural University and Dean of the former Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences, died at 21:00 on June 23, 1979 because of cancer and medical treatment. The memorial service of Comrade Ding Zhenlin was held in Hangzhou on July 4, and the wreaths were delivered by the leaders of the Party and the state, including Ye Jianying, Fang Yi and Zhou Jianren. Leaders of provincial committees and provincial revolutionary committees, heads of departments of provincial organs, former friends, Zhejiang Agricultural University, Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences teachers and students and scientific and technological personnel more than 500 people attended the memorial service. After the meeting, according to Comrade Ding Zhenlin alive last wish, his ashes scattered in Zhejiang Agricultural University and Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Ding Lao was born poor, hard-working and learning, adhere to the party
不久前,我曾有机会到西德访问。虽然是走马观花,但不少地方留给我的印象,却是深刻的。有条不紊的港口说到玲口,人们总是想到忙乱、嘈杂的景象。 Not long ago, I had the o
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This article describes a new model of a cooperative file sharing system in a wireless Mesh network. The authors’ approach is to develop an efficient and cooper
1 背景福建地处我国东南沿海,属中南亚热带地区。气候温暖,雨量充沛。森林面积693.3万公顷,森林覆盖率达到57.3%,林业产业年总产值现已达到290亿元人民币,是我国的林业大省。