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自参加工作以来,已有近二十年的班主任工作经历,在班主任工作中有苦有泪,有成功也有失败,但也使我的生活更加有味。在班主任的班级管理工作中我认识到一位好的高中班主任对一个学校、家庭及社会的作用和影响。班主任好比火车头,只要火车头能沿着他自己应该运行的轨道行驶,后面的车厢绝对不会出问题的。一个富有正能量的班主任能对一个班的学生产生积极的影响,能给社会培养出格建设者和接班人,也能给社会培养出创造财富和价值的人。 Since I joined the work, I have had nearly 20 years of working experience as a teacher in charge of a class. I have bitter and tears in the work of a class teacher, success and failure, but also make my life more tasteful. In the class teacher’s class management, I realized the role and influence of a good high school teacher on a school, family and society. Head teacher is like a locomotive, as long as the locomotive can run along the track he should run behind the box will not be a problem. A positive class teacher can have a positive impact on a class of students, can give the community to train qualified builders and successors, but also to the community to cultivate the creation of wealth and value of people.
眼-心反射常发生于眼肌手术,发生于角膜异物取出术也尚有报道。但泪道探通手术引起者临床上较为少见,现报告一例如下: 贺××,55岁,女,右眼流泪二年。查右眼泪点位置正常,眼
Brittle-to-ductile transition (BDT) behavior and creep behavior of extruded NiAI-25Cr alloy at elevated temperatureswere investigated. The results reveal that t
采用改良式垂直小梁切除术联合巩膜瓣松解缝线,对27例30只青光眼疗效观察,平均随访6.3个月(3~12个月)。平均眼压从术前的6.17±1.72kPa 下降到术后的1.86±0.34kPa,与同期随机
The International Space Station(ISS) employs catalytic wet oxidation carried out in a Volatile Reactor Assembly(VRA)for water recycling. Previous earth gravity
The biomimetic approach was applied to study the in vitro biomineralization of series of the chitosan films crosslinked by glutaraldehyde. The deposited calcium