Zinc Borohydride-Ionic Liquid: Stable and Efficient System for Reductive Reaction of Aldehydes with

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1 Introduction Ionic liquids(ILs) are attracting much attention in various fields of chemical synthesis, electrochemical applications, liquid-liquid extractions, as well as bio- transformations. Among those fields, the application of ILs as the potential green solvent for a wide variety of synthetic processes is an area of intense researches. High yield, high selectivity, and good catalytic charac-teristics have usually been achieved. After the isolation of products, ILs can usually be recovered and recycled many times by simple treating procedures, such as, filtration, extraction, and dryness. Because of their superiorities mentioned earlier, 1 Introduction Ionic liquids (ILs) are attracting much attention in various fields of chemical synthesis, electrochemical applications, liquid-liquid extractions, as well as bio- transformations. Among those fields, the application of ILs as the potential green solvent for a wide variety High yield, high selectivity, and good catalytic charac-teristics have usually been achieved. After the isolation of products, ILs can usually be recovered and recycled many times by simple treating procedures, such as, filtration, extraction, and dryness. Because of their superiorities mentioned earlier,
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“不受曰廉,不污曰洁。”廉洁是人人都应当具备的思想品德,所谓廉洁,就是立身清白、思想清正、自我检点,不贪取非分的、不合乎道义的财物 “To be honest and clean is to s
我们去的这个地方是房山县的二站村,去时正值当地大兴农田水利,大办食堂。热情高涨的同学们整天挖土,运土,修水渠,加固渠帮,干得热火朝天。 We went to this place is the s