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问:为了推行“音乐基本素养”考级,中国音协有哪些具体措施?答:首先是加强宣传,举办多种多样的宣传活动。中国音乐家协会开展业余考级活动以来,设立的都是乐器演奏考级,此次设立“音乐基本素养”考级,从内容、意义、方法上,都有很多不同。因此,要广泛进行宣传解释,充分利用报纸、刊物、广播、电视、讲座、发放宣传品等多种方式,向考生、家长、教师、学校和有关各教育部门进行多样化的、深入细致的介绍和宣传活动。希望各地音乐家协会和参与音乐考级的有关部门与新闻、宣传部门大力合作,把宣传工作做深、做活、做细、做透。这是“音乐基本素养”考级获得成功的首要条件。 Q: What are the specific measures China Audio Society has to implement in order to carry out the test of “Basic Musical Literacy”? A: The first is to step up publicity and hold a wide variety of publicity activities. Since the Chinese Musician Association conducted an amateur examinations and grading activities, all the musical instrument performance grading tests have been set up. There are many differences in terms of content, meaning and methods for this examination. Therefore, a wide range of detailed explanations should be given to candidates, parents, teachers, schools and all relevant education departments through extensive publicity and explanation, making full use of newspapers, publications, radio, television, lectures and distributing publicity materials. And promotional activities. I hope musicians associations around the world and relevant departments of the music examinations will work closely with the news and propaganda departments to deepen their work in propaganda and do their work in detail and thoroughly. This is “music basic literacy ” grading the first condition for success.
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指出了当前中学思想政治和德育素质教育中存在的问题,提出了在中学化学教学中进行思想政治和德育素质教育的内容和方法。 Points out the existing problems in the ideolog
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