
来源 :岩石力学与工程学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guoyurun
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竹筋加筋土技术以其取材方便,环保经济的特点,具有很好的推广应用价值。以川南地区兴文县某石油井场低等级公路路基改良为例,设计构造竹筋加固改良粉质黏土公路路基断面。通过室内试验获得竹材、粉质黏土以及草灰改良过的粉质黏土的基本物理力学性能参数,并确定采用草灰(20%)或者石灰(6%)改良含水率为29%的粉质黏土;通过FLAC3D软件比选改良粉质黏土公路路基断面,确定最优竹筋层距为1.0 m;最后通过监测技术,测得其路基的回弹弯沉为2.69 mm。结果表明,路基的回弹弯沉值可达到低等级公路路基的要求,该技术在加固改良粉质黏土低等级公路路基的工程实际应用方面是可行的。 Bamboo stiffened soil technology for its convenient, environmentally friendly economic characteristics, has a very good value of popularization and application. Taking the improvement of low grade highway subgrade of a well site in Xingwen County, southern Sichuan as an example, the structural reinforcement of bamboo gluten reinforced highway subgrade section is designed and constructed. The basic physical and mechanical properties of bamboo, silty clay and sod-modified silty clay were obtained through laboratory tests and the improvement of the silty clay with 29% moisture content using ash (20%) or lime (6%); FLAC3D software to improve the selection of silty clay highway embankment section, to determine the optimum layer spacing of bamboo tendons 1.0m; Finally, by monitoring technology, measured the rebound deflection of the roadbed was 2.69mm. The results show that the rebound deflection value of subgrade can reach the requirements of subgrade of low grade highway. This technique is feasible in practical application of subgrade reinforcement of subgrade with silty clay.
用电导法测定植物组织钾含量,应为众多测定法中较简便的一种方法,至今未见报道。(一) 原理含钾的待测液和四苯硼钠溶液混合后, Determination of potassium content in pla
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