
来源 :遥感技术动态 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiahou001
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《湖南省国土调查多平台遥感预试验》这一国家“六五”攻关项目,最近被地矿部授予1987年科技成果二等奖。这一成果是湖南省遥感中心与中国科学院空间物理所、航天部等八个单位40多名科技人员组成的试验组,在著名的洞庭湖农业区、武陵源旅游区以及南岭多金属成矿带区等湖南省三个主要国民经济区五万六千多平方公里的范围内开展了《湖南省国土调查多平台遥感预试验》的研究,试验采用了多种遥感平台(即不同高度成像)、多种波段组成多层空间、多种波段、多种时相的立体空间探测系统、通过不同空间的多层次探测网,达到了解国土资源调查中的应用效果、以利最终指导开创国土 “Hunan Province multi-platform remote sensing survey of land surveys,” the country “Six Five” key project, was recently awarded by the Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources Award for Science and Technology in 1987 second prize. This achievement is a pilot group of more than 40 scientists and technicians from eight institutes, including the Institute of Space Physics and the Ministry of Space Science of Hunan Remote Sensing Center. In the famous Dongting Lake agricultural area, Wulingyuan Tourism Area and Nanling polymetallic metallogenic belt District and other three major national economic zones in Hunan Province within the scope of more than 56,000 square kilometers launched a “multi-platform remote sensing survey of Hunan Province, land survey,” the study uses a variety of remote sensing platform (ie, different height imaging) A variety of bands composed of multi-layer space, a variety of bands, a variety of time-phase three-dimensional space detection system, through different levels of multi-level detection network to understand the application of land and resources survey results to facilitate the ultimate guide to open up the territory
患者男性,29岁.因右腹部疼痛2 d,突发右季肋部剧痛1 d,伴恶心、呕吐于2005年5月23日晚入院.患者16岁时发现高血压,此后按原发性高血压保守治疗,长期口服降压药,曾同时服用7种药物(硝苯地平、地巴唑、倍他乐克、卡托普利等),但疗效不明显,血压波动在230~180/160~110 mm Hg(1 mm Hg=0.133 kPa)之间,经常头痛,甚至有轻生念头。
本文简要介绍电液扭矩伺服控制单元的组成、工作原理、主要性能指标及所用主要元部件的情况。 This article briefly describes the electro-hydraulic torque servo contro
嫁哪种男人比较好?嫁得不好的话,会痛骂自己瞎了眼睛。女人一定要嫁得好,嫁得不好,即使从围城里侥幸逃出,也跌了身价。 Marry which kind of man is better? If you marry b
本研究建立了小鼠胎心器官培养方法,培养的心脏可存活和自主性搏动达27±2.3(SD)天,并详细观察了培养不同时间小鼠胎心心肌细胞发育的超微结构变化特征。 In this study, we